[color=crimson]"BUWA HA HA! IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!?"[/color] A boisterous laugh came from a red-haired lass and she took a pouch of coin off the table. Across from her a man was vomiting his drink and lunch into a bucket, the unfortunate opponent of Raijin's drinking game. She had arrived to the tavern just to drink, but a cocky adventurer wanted to spend a night in Raijin's warmth. She agreed if he could beat her in a drinking-contest/arm wrestling match, both of which he lost miserably. He seemed rather offended at loosing his day's wages and had his hand on his sword. But before he could draw his blade, Raijin hefted her Thunder Rod onto her shoulder. [color=crimson]"Go on big boy, take it out. I bet mine's is bigger."[/color] This threat was enough for the man to run off without another word, gaining another hearty laugh from Raijin. As Raijin counted her coins she found a dirty piece of paper in the coin purse. Something or another about a mission of slaying undead or some sort. Whatever it was, it reminded Raijin that she wasn't just here to drink: She was suppose to be looking for someone about a job. Taking a look around she noticed a gathering of individuals who likely had something to do with the mission. If not they could at least point her in the right direction. So Raijin drained the mug of ale she was drinking from and went over to the table, her presence quite known. [color=crimson]"Aaaaaaaye! This the group of warriors to fight that lich or whatever?"[/color] [hr] Lan was no stranger to alcohol, as the druids made fine spirits, but he has never been in a tavern before. A den where men became animals, as the druids say. Somehow that did not bring comfort to the young druid himself. But he knew that the person he needed to meet was here, so regardless of his thoughts on the establishment the little boy went inside. Fortunately for him Lan was hardly the oddest sight in the tavern, as there was a boisterous woman making a scene. Lan slipped inside, holding onto the dark brown cloth containing his staff. The little boy looked out of place among the dark and dreary warriors and patrons, and indeed Lan had no idea who he was suppose to see. Everyone looked as though they were busy or waiting for someone, and Lan did not wish to make the mistake of getting caught up in a fight he didn't sign up for. So Lan just stood against the wall and watched, trying his best not to appeared scared. He was failing, miserably.