With so many people recently gaining superhuman powers for unknown reasons, it's no surprise that some of them would turn to crime. What came at a surprise, however, is that as the President gave his speech on the Whitehouse lawn yesterday several explosions rocked D.C. Someone had blown up multiple government buildings, killing thousands of government officials. Seconds later a man stepped out of the crowd and killed the president's body guards before stepping on the stage. Pointing a pistol at the president to keep him from running away, the man, former Lieutenant Jeffery Ross, honorably discharged from the USMC, told the world of his motives. The government had sent thousands of people off to die in their place because they were cowards who were willing to send other people overseas to die for them, but couldn't face war themselves. So he brought the war to them. Now, he was going to kill every single person in the government so that they couldn't send people to their deaths any more. He then pulled the trigger, blowing the President's brains out on live TV, and escaped into the sewers. Now he's on the loose and anyone who's still alive and is in the government is at risk. [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: Appearance: Personal issue: Power: Personality: Bio: Equipment: [/hider] [hider=Special Rules:] 1) You can die, but it's up to you if you do. Having backup characters so that your character can die to move the story along is a good idea. 2) You power is linked to your personal issues. For example, Jeffery Ross saw his buddies get blown up, so now he can make stuff blow up and make explosions bigger. [/hider]