Another duel between Empty Armor and Doc Doctor. Post limit is two days. [b]Name:[/b] The Moschet Museum [b]Size:[/b] Outside arena floor space is 50 x 60 feet wide covered by mountains that reach for miles, indoors is a 120x60 feet hall [b]Properties:[/b] The outdoor arena has destructible stone structures and is always night time, the indoors has rickety upper level platforms and a large pit at the end of the museum, this pit is endless. Other than the mountain the Arena is fully destructable. You will start in the outdoor arena and the large entrances seen in the image will lead you to the main part of the museum. The interior structure of the Museum is mainly very dry wood which is fairly flammable, if a large enough fire is started, the whole building will burn down. [b]Player Capacity:[/b] up to 6 players can fight here. [b]Description :[/b] [hider=Outdoor Mountainside Arena] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Indoor Museum] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Flavour Text[/b]: The Moschets were a very dangerous but powerful and famous married couple, they were rumored to be demons and had large enough egos they kept all their most prized possessions in a grand museum in a mountain construct. They were later killed by witch hunters, and the museum was vandalized on numerous occasions. But every so often the spirits of the Moschets will come to watch duels between powerful warriors in the place they were once so proud of.