Name: Thomas Kern Age: 26 Appearance: Thomas is around 5' 11" in height, with a weight of about 183 pounds. He's got a well-built body, showing good athleticism. His hair is a dark brown, and very unruly. He's got a short, rugged-looking beard as well. His nose is slightly crooked, having been broken in a fist-fight a few years back. Personal issue: When on a hunting trip, Thomas and his brother encountered a bear, which chased after them. His brother tripped, and rather than attempt to save him, Thomas hid inside a hollowed-out tree. He regrets this, and wishes he had done it differently, even if that meant him dying. Power: He has the ability to turn himself, and anything he is holding/wearing invisible. Bright light shined directly or near-directly on him can give away his position. Personality: A loner by heart, Thomas struggles to get along with those he doesn't know very well, or doesn't want to know. He tends to be sarcastic and gruff, but this doesn't stop him from doing the right thing. Bio: After his powers revealed themselves, he became a sort-of 'vigilante', hunting down and killing any empowered person who was harmed or killed an innocent. He believes that what he does is what's right, more out of wanting to protect the innocents than for any patriotic reason. Equipment: A .30-06 bolt-action rifle with a hunting scope, a .45 handgun, and a hunting knife. He wears dark, fully-body clothing, designed to make as little noise as possible.