It took a moment but Catherine finally calmed down and focused on the question Mandy had asked. Cat knew her ghosts alright; waterfront, old hospital... Probably places where people died. Suicides, regrets... Robert made a twitch with his lips and shook the thought from his head. He wasn't interested too much about existence of ghosts, but he nevertheless wrote some details up. The mass lack of emotions and emptiness at the places filled with ghosts... But not peace. Whatever that meant, team would think about that later. Robert leaned back and was about to open his mouth when Shiloh stormed in. Pointing a finger like accusing Rob from stealing a candy. ”You! That wand you've been taking pictures of, where is it?” Robert was about to say something before he realized what Shiloh had said. But she hasn't been at the meeting? ”Don’t look surprised. I hacked your phone a year ago, since it was faster than waiting for you to email me the pictures of whatever artifact you were looking at. Did you think I spent all my time down there looking at books and counting stone fertility icons?” Well, of course not, but... To hack his phone? How on earth she dared, how she even knew what his phone was capable of?!? [hr] [i][b]Year and half Ago...[/b][/i] ”A fine piece indeed. And you know what the best part is, Shiloh? It's connected in the same network with my computer! Cloud storage, they call it. Boy, what on earth they think of next...” [hr] I'll bug her house for-... ”Listen to me” Shiloh snapped at Sol. Very few dared to interrupt Sol, so Robert was once again dumbfound. Without really knowing what to say or what to think, he listened before he realized that he had to write this down. Luckily Shiloh stopped to inspect the symbols, so he did catch up quickly. Descriptions ran from the mouth, and the old team – Shiloh and Sol- were once again at the deduction games. Seek and reveal... Conductors... Would do something that fed into another working... Museum equipment disappearing few months ago, six weeks ago disappearing... “Wait a minute. Where’s Morgan?” Shiloh said after a small pause when she heard about ghost being torn apart. Robert spent a second to recover from a sudden break of silence. "She's with Jacob and Emma. There was some noise." He said, not really happy about focus on 'most dangerous agent in the organization'. He tried to shift the subject when Emma stormed in. "Amanda, can you do something for me?" Robert listened quickly before asking Shiloh "Ahh... Runes of Transport. Feeding into another working. That staff" Robert said, pointing towards the staff. "It's been scratching something. Would it work like that?"  He hated not knowing about exact details of magic. Shiloh turned her head, looking at Robert, "What? No, nothing like that. Whoever was holding that wand could move energy from one place to another, or maybe change it. You see things like this on Aztec sacrifice tools - they would channel the life of the sacrifice into some kind of magic working." The woman shook her head, "And Morgan wasn't out with Emma and Jacob, unless she turned into a little girl. Does anyone know where she went?" Robert rubbed his forehead. Mandy was trying to explain the situation to Catherine, so someone had to try to stay professional. "I don't know... Is that important at the moment? There's a-" "Oh, tiny gods. You don't know what she is, do you? Don't you people ever talk to one another?" Shiloh said, her tone one of exasperation and resignation and alarm. She waved a hand by her head, as if shooing thoughts away, "Yes. Yes, where Morgan is is probably the most important thing right now. Please, someone tell me she's out getting coffee." "I heard the outer door shut a few minutes after she, Emma, and Jacob left to investigate whatever disturbance was happening in the main office," Sol said, his voice solemn, concerned, "Would you care to tell us exactly what this is about, Miss Grey?" Robert too was thinking that there was explanation to do. Firstly, he didn't know what Morgan was. Definitely not human, he had known for ages. It was probably the reason the two of them spoke very little, even if it was about common cases. But he had put an enormous trust to Sol, so he had kept his trackers off her. Secondly, the case itself didn't sound any more promising. At least what he understood from Shiloh the ghosts were not taken for any happy trip. And if that related to Morgan somehow... "It's about the ghosts," Cat said, breaking the quiet after Sol spoke, "Isn't it? What you're talking about, Miss Blackwood, they're connected." Shiloh nodded, "You should offer her a job, Sol. She's right, these things [i]are[/i] connected." She looked sharply at Sol, "And I'm not going to tell you 'exactly what this is about,' Tanner. That's not my secret to give away, and it's not my problem none of you have done the legwork. You need to find Morgan, and you need to find her [i]right now[/i]." Robert let out a sigh. He should have put the tracker in Morgan's jacket when he had the chance...