Jack had watched the bus arrive from their window, they knew what it felt like to ripped away from your family and sent to an unknown school, the thought brang a tear to their eye. They looked down at his desk filled with different word problems that their calculus teacher had set them, all had been done with an accurate answer of around 98%. They sighed and wondered what their teacher would set next. [i] Hopefully some harder questions, that arse of a teacher sets us grade 10 work when we are in bloody 11.[/i] John said to jack through their mind. "Oh be quiet John, i don't need to hear you whining especially today, when the new students have arrived." Jack replied out loud [i]New students? Yeeessss more fresh meat.[/i] John said with an evil smile in their mind. Jack sighed and decided to go and greet some of the new students after the orientation. [i] BUT FIRST BREAKFAST[/i] Jack said in their mind. "Nope we're gonna scare the living hell out of them." John replied to Jack out loud, with an evil grin. They pulled on their hoodie and jeans and scrambled down to the field where the new students were exiting the bus. They saw Jason and Josiah, Jack pulled down the hood and gave a friendly wave and started to move towards them, but not before John pulled the hood back up and stared evilly at the new students from a distance.