The more that she moved the dizzier she seemed to feel. Her back, stomach, and head hurt, but it was nothing in comparison to the pain she felt just moving her body and breathing. Still Jordyn refused to admit the fact she was hurting so much. She tried to tell Alex that she was fine, able to tell just from the look on his face and by the fact his were black that he wasn’t happy. Even though it hadn’t been her fault in anyway, she still almost felt bad for getting hurt, for her it wasn’t too big of a deal really, she was clumsy and between the fights she often had with her sisters and dealing with her own father. Getting hurt was normal for her. She winced when Alex helped her sit on the bench, looking up at him when he started to talk, and started to take his glasses off. “Alex...”She started noticing him make a point not to look right at her and handing her his glasses cutting her off. Jordyn saw the glow on his left wrist as she reached out and took the glasses. “Alex, I’m fine, really.” She tried to tell him again, Clary tried to talk to him as well sitting beside her, but he simply walked away. Jordyn frowned shifting to stand up, though the sharp stabbing pain in her side made her wince again and sigh deciding against it quickly. At least there was some hope that maybe his sister could calm him down, as Billie started followinbv him. It was a good thing really that Jordyn wasn't able to move to try and calm him down. She really didn't know what she would be getting herself into, she had never seen a demon get truely pissed off, or start to shread their human form. She watched Billie and it was clear that something bad was going to happen just from the fact that Billie was trying to hold him back. Then the ball hit him in the face and Alex lit and his skin started cracking open, and Jordyn didn't care what might happen to the poor vampire, she just couldn't help but worry only that Alex was in pain. Logan and Jackie both stayed standing even as the other vampires sat seeing the redhead getting helped up by Alex. Both were pissed off by what Devin had done. Logan not only because Jordyn was his friends girlfriend, or because it broke their rules. But because even if he was a player, and lost his temper sometimes, he still believed that a man should never hit a woman, Devin had done so on purpose. Jackie was pissed because it was disrespectful to broke their rules, and as bad as she wanted the fighting to start again to hurt that bitch Billie, the demons needed to be the ones that started it again, and Devin was screwing it up! Logan saw Alex's eyes and went to move and pull Devin off the court before the game could start. Or really do anything really to stop what going to happen with him not in the game. However, as he moved Jackie's arm went out in front of his chest stopping him, the other vampires that were watching their leaders for reactions started whispering softly. Logan's red eyes looked over to see Jackie's red eyes glancing back at him. "Don't, he deserves whatever he gets." She growled as Long blew the whistle. While hitting Alex's little redheaded fae was funny to him when he did it, the fact that Alex had to help her off the court showed that he had actually hurt her. And though he even thought that he hurt her was funny as hell, Devin realized the major screw up reather quickly seeing the reaction of Alex and when he looked over seeing Jackie stopping Logan from coming to save his ass. Luckily for him Alex didn't have a chance to kill him. Billie and Lucifer who seemed to have appeared from no where stopped him from getting killed by Alex. Billie doing some kind of spell on her brother, which didn't surprise Devin as she was a pshyco bitch that turned on everyone, and likely slept with them too. He stopped as he headed back towards the vampire group as the large hell hound showed up behind him and Billie threatened him. Devin just smirked at her though. "I'm not anymore afraid of your brother now than I was before, hell whore." He answered turning back around and continued on his way to Logan and Jackie, seeing Jackie mutter something to Logan before she went to the girls locker room. Jordyn saw Logan quickly look her over as he went to talk to the Archmage after the one guy that had been trying to help Billie left, and Devin following the female that was sitting by Logan to the girls locker room, before Cole came over. She quickly looked at Clary when she said that Billie could have killed Alex. The motion of it making her head spin, but she ignored it. "What? Is Alex going to be okay?" Jordyn said with a worried look on her face, she really hated the fact she got hurt a little bit was the reason that Alex was almost killed. She looked up at Cole as she started to help her up, and though she knew that she couldn't just stay sitting on the bench since class was over, she really didn't want to move. Jordyn fought the urge to wince as Cole helped her up, opening her mouth to once again repeat that she was fine. But Cole stopped her saying she could tell. She frowned looking from her to Clary before bending over to get her bag and making a small noise as the stabbing started again. She peeked up at Cole and sighed sadly nodding, just because she was hurting didn't mean she wanted to be protected or felt sorry for. "Can one of you hand me my bag then please." She said not wanting leave it and her books here. She didn't really know what to say as the two of them talked about Devin and Lucifer. Having only first heard of Devin earlier that day, and the only thing she knew about Lucifer was that he was the king of demons, or the father of demons, or something along those lines. She looked at Cole when Clary left them to check on Billie and Alex. "I think I need to go to the nurses office. I'm still feeling dizzy and my side hurts." She said finally admitting that she was hurting. "Will you walk with me? That one nurse is a Seelie and she's always rude to me when I go by myself and the shifter nurse will be on break still." She asked and gave a small smile when she agreed. "You don't think that Alex with will get in trouble with that Lucifer guy do you? I mean I don't know a lot about him, but it was my fault if I wouldn't have gotten hurt he wouldn't have gotten so uposet." She said after a few minutes of silence. -- After class was over Logan waited for Lucifer and Adrian to leave before approaching the Archmage and asked him to change dorms so that he could room with Clary, claiming she was pretty much a little sister to him, and that he was having trouble with Jackie being his roommate as she kept breaking his bottles. Completely changing the subject when asked about the burn that was still faint on his collarbone. While he was talking to the Archmage Devin followed Jackie into the girls locker room, so Logan had thought he had already left. Clary caught up to him as he left and Logan nodded his head. "Be careful Clary, Alex is moodier than I am after I flip out." He whispered back to her frowning and then nodded. "Alright I talked to the archmage so if nothing else I'll meet up with you at [b]our[/b] dorm later beautiful." He said with a smile before watching her phase through the wall. Once Clary was gone Logan started looking for Devin, Jackie had told him that she wanted him to deal with putting him back in his place, but honestly he didn't care if she had told him to deal with it or not. The little bastard had pulled a low blow, on a girl, that wasn't even aiming at him. The last fucking thing the vampires needed was another pointless foolish feud to start. He looked over as one of the other vampires caught up to him, and he nodded at the black hair vampire that was actually closer to Logan than Jackie. "What's up Zach?" "You hear anything about that little fae girl?" He asked frowning. Logan shock his head, walking toward the cafeteria. "No, but I'm sure that we will hear something about later or tomorrow. If not something about a feud starting with the UnSeelie, then something about the demons attacking us." He answered though he knew Billie wouldn't let that happen. Beside Zach sighed shaking his head. "Fucking Devin is killing us. We really need to get rid of him and Jackie both." Logan laughed glancing at him, before they get into the cafeteria. His eyes glanced at Billie sitting by herself, before his eyes swept over the room for Devin before frowning. "If you see Devin let me know, I can't find the prick." He said to Zach as they pasted by Billie's table lond enough he knew that she would be able to hear as well.