As Kais and his squad rode through to Republic held territory. "Sir Reports that we are cut off from the fleet, orders are to salvage as much as possible from the clankers." Haz said As Kais noticed some Droid ships heading towards the city as they came across some Republic outposts. As the four dismount and talk to several of the troopers Kais whistles. Quickly Haz runs over "Haz radio the General, tell him we have reacher outpost theta, we are no good as regular troopers but we will do what we can here" he said as he looked over at deadeye "Deadeye get a view, for now until we get new orders, provide overwatch...Give us some heads up if some Tinheads head our way...Raider." he said as Raider hustled over after hearing his name " Get me an invtory, I want to know what we got."