"Rokai!" Nishizawa listend to Roland's orders and peeled off her chase, retreating to a safer distance, "Kreep dem offu meh ass I scanu!" The Japanese scanner once again dove and pulled up in something of a blind area (or at least an area where the turrets decided not to focus on her). Confident enough she was in safety, Nishizawa began to start the scan system. Opening covers, flipping levers, tuning knobs and adjusting computer systems. The cockpit echoed with a low whirring sound as scanners booted up. Running the math in her head, Nishizawa began the scanning. The data followed as the pixels began to line up, all of it being sent back and stored in the codex with a copy of it on her own MSO-6. "Scann strataring!" she yelled into the comms, hoping that people would make sure she didn't get shot at while waiting information on the bomber.