And character made. [hider=CS-0065 "Blaze"] [center][img][/img][/center] [h3][center][i]"Fire burns brighter in the dark."[/i][/center][/h3] [b]ID Number:[/b] CS-0065 [b]Nickname:[/b] Sergeant "Blaze" [b]Rank:[/b] Clone Sergeant (CS) [b]Legion:[/b] Special Ops Unit [b]Personality:[/b] As a flametrooper, Blaze is often seen as cool, patient, and calm, keeping a straight face as he mows down enemy droids with his flamethrower. While loyal to his commanders, he sometimes gets a little lazy and sometimes slow to react. This could be due to the fact that he, or any flametrooper, were rarely called into action, the most famous being the Second Battle of Geonosis. However, when he's in the zone, Blaze is one no one should mess with. He is quick-thinking, highly alert, and very resourceful. [b]Weaponry:[/b] [list] [*] [b]-BT X-42 Flamethrower[/b] [*] [b]-DC-17 Pistol(s)[/b] [*] [b]-Thermal Detonators[/b] [/list] [b]Jedi General:[/b] Ki-Adi-Mundi [/hider]