As foul a mood as he left, just as foul a a mood as Alexei arrived at the port, finally touching down on the continent Sa’Renak. [i]Such an ugly name[/i] he thought, allowing the negativity to cloud his moral and professional compass. Alexei's bitter behavior was fueled by the question that echoed throughout his skull in angry fashion, clawing at the simple concept that had bugged him to no end during his voyage; why was he here? The same question could be said for other previous circumstances but he had since got over them. This however he could not. While it could be identified as childish thinking with all the venom built up inside, Alexei firmly believed he belonged back where he came from. He believed that there was a war back home worth fighting along side his battle brothers and sisters for the sake of glory and bountiful riches to be blundered from Dissidia's infamously rumored Vault of Gold. That and to be owed rightful payment and recognition from Horus too, cementing Clan Belka's power and influence within the region. But instead he was here because the royalty of Sa'Renak needed a corpse to be put back in its damned grave and his name in particular was specifically requested to carry out the job. At least marching all the way to Alo'Quin, a word he was still trying to pronounce correctly, had kept him busy from mouthing off the friendly passerbys on the local road. That would had been admittedly stress relieving but he at least knew his manners and kept his personal baggage to himself. Alo'Quin seemed more [i]colorful[/i] and obviously larger than the port town he had arrived in and felt strangely similar to home, just less House guards positioned at every section and corner. Alexei walked though the bustling street, searching for a tavern called The Cup and Barrel - at least that made sense to him - where he would meet and join up with other warriors, like himself, whom agreed to take part in Sa'Renak's defense, unlike himself currently. He eyed every structure and building, observed the conversing and bustling of the citizen about, and analyzed the smells in the air. All these thing and then some allowed him to mentally visualize the nature of the city and his location as he sought out the tavern. Just as he believed to have sensed and pinpointed the social rendezvous point, a man of unequal stature collided into him and promptly fell backwards onto the pavement, nervously whittling within Alexei's towering resolute shadow. Alexei stared down at the man, unfazed by the run-in, where as this nobody whom showed clear frantic fear and embarrassment all over his face struggled to pick himself and bolted way. [i]Odd...[/i] While he did not think to much of the encounter, Alexei looked forward to see a red haired woman of impressively equal stature several yards ahead, counting her coin purse and dressed in some kind of crude oriental attire. There was a word for this figure but it eluded Alexei but what he could confirm was that her presence was just as alien as his was. Eventually, she entered a fair sized tavern that upon closer inspection was in fact The Cup and Barrel he had been looking for. While most of the occupants, being nearly as visually varied as he was, had conversed amongst themselves, Alexei took a seat at the front of the bar while trying not to attract attention and produced a few pieces of the country's currency forward. "Mead for a long travel, barkeep." he called out the bar tender, using the most friendly tone he could muster. Clasping the bottle in hand and pouring a small pint size of alcohol down his throat, he waited for everyone to arrive while drowning his worries and anger with the strong thick liquid in the company of others so uncanny. [i]Thalor help me...[/i]