[h1][center][u][b]Inside The Cup and Barrel[/b][/u][/center][/h1] As the hours waned into the evening and another day of hard work and hard leisure came to pass, the inhabitants of the city scurried off to their hovels to be with family. The rest of those who cared to chance the streets in the late hours made their way to various ale houses and brothels. Alo'Quin was the kind of place where people who wanted to forget about their problems (or gather a whole new cache of them), and this made frequenting alleys and walkways an act done with much trepidation. Merlin was gazing around the bustling tavern as the patrons ebbed and flowed like the tide, the coin being exchanged for ale and services was a pleasant melody, however a tad distracting. A few figures had caught his eye, the first a petite fair skinned girl whose harsh and hardened gaze struck Merlin to his soul, though her physical appearance have led the average fool to believe she was far too young to be out at this hour. Merlin knew better, Alo'Quin held many surprises for the unassuming traveler or merchant. He kept feeling as though there was a familiar smell in the air, it wanted to turn his stomach; the air held a metallic odor, almost coppery. It reminded Merlin of his grandfathers shack where he would hang his various traps after a hunt, even the thought now made his stomach turn slightly. Not to be distracted, he was soon attuned to the sheepish looking figure along the wall, Merlin could almost taste the magik in the air, like electricity, his hairs on his arm were standing on end. This feeling was amplified when a fiery-haired female approached the table in a manor befitting of her size and previous actions, which Merlin paid close attention to. She was, in fact so boisterous that Merlin hadn't noticed the foreigner sneak in and take a seat at the bar. His unusual attire and mannerisms gave him away from the drop, yet all this commotion made it rather easy for someone to blend in even if it was clear they weren't a local...most of Alo'Quins residents weren't from here anyway. He almost completely passed over the gentleman who first joined him at the table. And then there was the old man in the large robes. Still silent and keeping vigilant watch over his drink which seemed to be bottomless. Without a thought or a hint the pile of robes stood up and the figure presumably inside addressed the entire tavern with a comforting yet powerful voice. [center][img]http://f2f-mag.ru/upload/iblock/71f/old_mage.jpg[/img][/center] [i][color=fff200]"I see you all have arrived, your reasons for being here are as diverse as your cultures, backgrounds, and personalities. If you seek to rid this land of a terrible infestation I bid you to my table and that you may hear my plea."[/color][/i] The man assumed a more relaxed position as his voice lowered and took a rough gravely tone. Those whom had their interest caught leaned in for a better understanding of what the man was saying. [i][color=fff200]"Your king has summoned yours truly to assemble a small pact, a group of fierce warriors, cunning rogues and passionate mages and druids, to campaign against an evil order of undead and unwanted. This axis has its sights on consuming Sa'Renak in absolute darkness, even now its cold unrelenting grip tightens it's vice over the southeastern plains. Where this army treads, only desolation and despair remain, I am charging you with a task that will lead you right into the maw of the Vile Cult. I do not expect you to fight a war on your own, you must understand this measure is being taken to prevent all-out-war. You will each be given a sum of 100 gold pieces to buy any remaining equipment or goods you may need. The rest of your payment will be made to you or your estate upon completion of the task, you leave at daybreak, should you choose to continue come to me for your payment and then speak with young Merlin here. Rest easy and prepare your souls for the dark and heavy burden they must bare."[/color][/i] Without a blink or a sound the figure seated itself and awaited the seekers of glory and fortune to approach. Merlin was curious, [i]How had he known my name?[/i] he thought. At any rate he looked down next to his nearly vacant mug of mead and saw his payment had already been deposited at his place setting next to his beverage. For an old man he was sharp as an elvish blade and worked twice as fast. Merlin was certainly impressed, he could only hope that his soon to be flock of adventurers held the same gravitas. As he finished his mug he settled into his seat waiting for his comrades to approach.