A few days had passed in Gotham since the team got split up and Mr. Freeze escaped Arkham Asylum. It was well needed time to reflect on everything that had happened since the night Robin died. Some hours after Zero had a breakdown he went toe to toe with Mr. Freeze, and nobody had expected that. Batman gave him the littlest bit of encouragement and gave everyone small communicators for their ears. El Sasquatcho swallowed his thinking it was a magic pill. Nobody expected that either. But the days passed, training continued, and some other Titans took their leave. Foo Dog had got word about the clan he was fighting against in another major city and took off. Bard had just decided heroics wasn't his thing and wanted to focus on his music. Isis however was going to be sidelined after Freeze nearly crippled her completely. In the meantime, Wildcat managed to find a new recruit in a neighboring city. Some kid with a sonic scream. Batman was a little uneasy about Grant finding a new hero to fill the void on his own, but he went with it all the same. The team wasn't all at HQ under Grant's Gym, but the brothers who made up Leviathan and a couple others were there. It was roughly four in the afternoon when Grant came in out of costume with this new kid... "So what can you do?" asked Robert from a couch in the HQ. "I'm Daniel, that's my older brother Robert.." Daniel said looking over his shoulder approaching the new kid. "Nice to meet you guys!" Ted greeted a little to eagerly with a large smile on his face. Ted was toning down his excitement but he was having a lot of trouble keeping himself from losing his mind from just being in the presence of other super-powered heroes. "Oh! and to answer YOUR question!" Ted said as he pointed at Robert, "I can scream REALLY loud." he finished by shimming his arms awkwardly like a sleazy car salesman from the fifties. [b]Across town...[/b] Cigar smoke swirled around, and a wrapper with a grape on it was in the floorboard of the vehicle that appeared to be a limo where the silhouettes of two men sat comfortably. "We've only seen three in action since the Bat took them in. The ice kid showed potential, the bird girl though..." one began saying. "Yes, it's a shame she's been taken down so early in this. Pity our new bird will not have wings..." the other man stated. "Oh you want wings I know a guy who knows a guy..." the man not inhaling large amounts of smoke started saying something again. "We'll just wait and see how this all plays out. Let's see what the rest of them can do. See what the Bat molds them into...." the cigar smoking man said as the limo came to a stop right next to a police cruiser down near the waterfront where the battle with Freeze took place. "Now get out of the car. Don't call my people. They will call you." the smoking man stated before leaving the police officer that was riding with him at his parked car. ~KL~ [w/Rocketrobie2]