[h3][color=aba000][u][b]-Ord Cestus Medical Station, Bridge of the Exalibur-[/b][/u][/color][/h3] [color=aba000][b]Deck Officer[/b][/color]: "Admiral, Scans Show that the Engine Repairs are Complete, and the Hyperdrive is Back Online." [color=aba000][b]Admiral Millon[/b][/color]: "Good, and What of the Damage to the Impersonator?" [color=aba000][b]Deck Officer[/b][/color]: "She Took a Lot of Fire, She'll Be in Dry Dock Until Repairs are Complete." [color=aba000][b]Admiral Millon[/b][/color]: "Okay, Once Reinforcements Arrive, We Will Commence Hyperspace Jump Along This Route, Directly to Solus 4." [i][b]A Sudden Message Came Through the Holotable, Reporting in from Republic Command on Coruscant.[/b][/i] [color=9e0b0f][b]Command[/b][/color]: "Admiral Millon, Reinforcements are En-Route, We Have Dispatched the 224th Under Jedi General Kiana to Assist You." [color=aba000][b]Admiral Millon[/b][/color]: "We Read You, We Will be Waiting." [i][b]The Holomessage Ended, and Millon Returned to the Business at Hand.[/b][/i] [color=aba000][b]Admiral Millon[/b][/color]: "The Forces on Board the Impersonator are Of Little Use There, Have All Vehicles and Troops be Moved to the Excalibur at Once." [color=aba000][b]Deck Officer[/b][/color]: "Yes Admiral." [h3][color=aba000][u][b]-Ruthora, Solus 4-[/b][/u][/color][/h3] [i][b]For An Hour it has been Absolute Havoc on the Battlefield, With More Droid Landing Craft Landing Every Minute. The Clones Were Holding the Line With the Gunship and Starfighter Support, But The Gates Were Beginning to Become Overwhelmed. I Was There on the Front Lines with Everyone, Cutting Down Any Droid that Got Past the Blasterfire. They Were Starting to Offload Tanks Now, And They Wasted No Time on Targeting Our Walkers. Behind me, One of Our 3 Walkers Took a Direct Hit to the Cockpit, Killing the Pilot Instantly, and Disabling the Walker.[/b][/i] [color=aba000][b]"Pull Back, Use the Walker for Cover!"[/b][/color] [i][b]The Troopers Obliged, Using the Wrecked AT-TE as Better Cover than the Open Doorway. On Top of the Walls We Had Anti-Infantry Mobile Turrets Set Up, With Captain Rigger and a Few Other Troopers Manning Them. Hunter Squadron Were Easily Picking off the Vultures and Tris Attempting to Bombard our Positions in Their Easily Maneuverable Z-95 Headhunters. I Grab the DC-17m Blaster Rifle Attached to my Belt With One Hand, And Hold my Double Bladed Combining Lightsabers with the Other with Great Expertise, Taking Out More Droids than Before. I Get into My Zone, My Natural State. Slash There, Blast There, Block There. That's How I Was Trained... I Snap Out of It as I Realize my Blaster Clip is Empty. Hooking back to My Belt, I Continue Blocking and Cutting Droids Down.[/b][/i] [h3][color=f7941d][u][b]-Sarrish, Canyon-[/b][/u][/color][/h3] [i][b]Within Moments, As Planned, the Droids Sent Reinforcements in the form of Spider Walkers and Hailfire Droids, With Complements of B1s, B2s, Destroyer Droids, and Dwarf Spider Droids.[/b][/i] [color=f7941d][b]Obi-Wan Kenobi[/b][/color]: "Well, We Certainly Have their Attention, Let's Lead Them Back, Order the Walkers to Move Back and Continue to the End of the Canyon, We'll Lead Them into a Trap." [color=f7941d][b]Commander Cody[/b][/color]: "Copy that Sir, You Heard the General, Let's Move it!" [i][b]The Republic Forces Began Their "Retreat", Letting the Droids Keep Them in Sight at All Moments, Making Sure They Were Following.[/b][/i]