[hider=Haie] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PLyPrFt.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xAWZZv7.png[/img] Name: Haie 'Hal' Kantorek Age: 29 Appearance: Hal stands at 5 foot 11 and has a muscular physique. His hair is unruly, and bright blonde contrasting with his single dark brown eye. His left eye is missing, and in its place rests a robotic eye that constantly glows red. The skin around the eye is slightly lighter than most of his face, as it was grafted from a corpse. His right arm from the elbow down is completely mechanical, and is a dark black with small red lights glowing here and there. His most noticeable feature is, of course, his right leg. While both legs are mechanical, his right leg is distinctly different due to it having been a prototype at the time of 'installation'. Personal issue: PTSD and Phantom Limb Syndrome Power: Telekenesis, although this is only minor and his real power lies within his augmentations. He is able to run far faster than any human athlete and can scale a building through the sheer power in his mechanical legs. Along with this, his right knee actually contains a high powered revolver, which he can aim and fire with accuracy thanks to his right eye's increased eyesight due to it being mechanical. Personality: Hal is a very outgoing and enthusiastic man. Often taunting his opponents in combat or having friendly banter with team mates. Unfortunately though, there are also some very dark sides to his personality. Due to his mechanical eye being directly linked to his brain, the AI embedded in the eye has slowly begun trying to take over control of his body. This has resulted in some less than nice traits. For example, he is highly sadistic and won't hesitate to put his enemy in as much pain as possible even if it means more work for himself. Bio: Hal was born in Düsseldorf, Germany to a businessman father and a housewife mother. For the majority of his early life he was just a normal kid, developing and growing as every other child did. That is until his power manifested. He was 15 or so at the time and was being bullied by a group of older kids at a local play park. Before he knew what he was doing, he had sent the older kids flying across the park as if they were ragdolls. He ran home and told no one of that day, instead opting to train his power in secret. Years passed and Hal eventually joined the German military at the young age of 17. He quickly excelled through the ranks, putting improvision along with tactics and of course, skill into use on the battlefield as well as a veteran would do. He eventually joined the Kommando Spezialkräfte later on in his military career. It was in this role that his life changed forever. He was on an operation in the middle east, to save a hostage from a terror cell. However, the terrorists actually had no intention of allowing the hostage to live and had killed him hours before Hal and his team arrived. The team quickly discovered bombs and rapidly tried to make their way out of the building. Unfortunately, no one did. Hal suffered the least injury of the team, and that's saying something. He had lost both legs, his right arm and his face was badly burned. 'Fortunately' for him he was found and dragged off by the very same terrorist cell who had rigged the house. He was brought back to their headquarters where he was subsequently experimented on by a crack team of scientists. He came out of the process half a machine. His mind has been warped and he was deadset on the murder of the president and the destruction of the west. He became a villain, travelling to America for the sole purpose of wreaking havoc and destabilizing the country. Fortunately, his spree ended when a stray bullet pierced through his skull at an awkward angle and managed to sever the wire controlling his thoughts. He subsequently turned himself into the police and served a much shorter sentence after his claims of mind control were found to be true by a team of doctors and scientists. He became a hero shortly after his release, and has been struggling to keep the AI within his head in check ever since it began attempting to take control again. Equipment: -Highly powerful revolver embedded in his right kneecap. -Silenced M1911 -Light kevlar [/center] [/hider]