[hr][h1][i][color=Dodgerblue]Lihua Vuhong[/color], & Task Force RAVEN.[/i][/h1][hr][hider=Armored Core - Ambiguity][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3fxyw4FH0U[/youtube][/hider][hr] Her car was approaching the headquarters, and Lihua was getting little anxious. She reached down to her phone, and decided to ignore a few laws when she looked up Maximilian's phonenumber in her contacts. She pulled over to an empty spot, and waited as it ringed. The dark clouds above her quickly informed her of impending rain. "Again?" She mouthed right as Maximilian answered. "Maximilian Cornell speaking." Lihua could hear the car rolling, that means he was on the move, and possibly away from (Or heading to) Headquarters. She wasn't going to let that stop her. For a second, Lihua was unsure of how to go about this. Certainly shameful, she's a woman. She should have certainty and confidence in all of her actions. "I know I've been suspended, Maximilian..." Lihua trailed off, her accent was very apparent. "What is it Agent Vuhong?" Lihua closed her eyes, and then sighed. "... Can we meet in person? There is something I wish to discuss that we cannot do over the phone." "I'm currently out... I'll be back soon." "I'd prefer that we'd do it soon as possible." Lihua said. "Can I have access back into Headquarters?" "I don't know what you're on about..." Lihua shook her head in irritation. "Look, there's something on my mind about our [i]new little friend[/i] I need resolved." She voiced. "I know you [i]do[/i] trust me, and I trust you, all I'm asking you is to hear me out. Just for a moment." Maximilian was silent for a moment. "Head over to HQ, RAVEN will certainly hear you out." Well, better not disappoint. Lihua nodded her head as she said, "Alright, goodbye, Maximilian." She hung up the phone, and kicked the car into motion. Heading towards the building that pierced the skyline. [hr] Her heels loudly tapped against the floor of the NEST Headquarters, as she was forced to wear a disgraceful visitor pass. Lihua shook her head as she stepped into the lounge. Scattered around. The lounge was a square medium-sized room, with plenty of sofas, and on one side of the room, there was a large counter with a coffee machine, sink, and refrigerator. The sofas were facing a widescreen TV - and various members of RAVEN were in the room. This was apparently Task Force RAVEN's private lounge - and Lihua was only let in because she was a high-ranking member of NEST, and she had matters concerning RAVEN. Helena was sitting on the sofa, adjusting her nails with a filer, Leon was lying down on another sofa, with his hands over his chest, And Adam was reading a book. When Lihua walked in, he looked up at Lihua, "Oh hey." He greeted her. "Say Hello to [i]RAVEN[/i], Agent Vuhoooooooong." He started laughing. Helena rolled her eyes as she kept filing her nails. Adam dramatically closed his book and stood up. He put his hands behind his back, and walked up to her. "Agent Vuhong, Maximilian told me you had something to discuss, and to hear you out in his place." Lihua closed her eyes for a moment, and cleared her mind. It felt much better talking to someone up close. "We still have PR-1 in custody?" Lihua asked. "Containment." Leon finger quoted in an attempt to mock correct her. Adam shot him a aggravated look, before he faced Lihua, "Yes, why do you ask...?" "There is something about it... What do you believe it is?" "Scary robot man." Leon added, before he doozed off. "Hard as hell to tell, because it hurts like hell whenever I try looking into it." "No... I think there's something more to it. It feel it's [i]human[/i]. No different from the rest of it." Lihua said. "It's words have been haunting me for far too long. I want... need some confirmation." "And what are you suggesting?" Adam asked, raising an eyebrow. "An interrogation. An interview." "What?" Helena immediately pipped up. "Are you even more insane? We have that thing locked up, and it's not going anywhere-" "Alright, alright, alright, Helena, we know. You're worried Terminator will go on another rampage." Leon interrupted, laughing as he clapped his hands up into the air. "We got that thing locked down... and from what I can glean, it knows a lot. A little bit about the Big Hoss we're looking for." Leon shrugged. "We're in the middle of fucking Headquarters. We ain't got [i]nothing[/i] to worry about..." "The Fiends got in and tore up the building." "That was an [i]isolated[/i] incident." "Be quiet you two." Adam turned towards Leon, raising a hand up into the air. He then focused onto Lihua. "It knows [i]something[/i], and more importantly, we're not getting anything important from the REAPERS." He nodded his head. "I'm all for it, but this is a matter we should leave to Maximilian." Helena scowled - before she just threw her hands in the air, and stood up, "I can't believe this." She then marched out of the room. "Wonder what her problem is." Leon shrugged. "I'd be glad to help, too. You know I can [i]see[/i] the truth." "Grue," Adam pressed his earpiece. "Can you patch me through to Maximilian, please?" "Sure." Dana said, nodded her head. "This is Agent Cornell speaking." "Agent Vuhong suggested an interrogation of our special subject. However, since you are acting director, we will not go ahead with the plan without your explicit permission." There was a brief pause in his response. "... You may proceed."