[quote=@TheUnknowable] cool. never heard of a 7.62x51 before, but looked it up. The AK I had used 7.62x54, so I thought it was a typo at first. Another soldier would be cool. I assume his telepathy only works on animals/non humans? Also, is it just communication or is there mind control in there too? [/quote] Mind control on 'feral' animals, but telepathy for any human/animal hybrids. Not sure if you had upper or lower limits on communication with animals. If he could just talk to any animal, he'd be Dr. Doomlittle with every animal at his command. Keeping whole packs of k-9 units at his command like a sergeant with his own 4 legged platoon might be a bit much. He might get compliance simply out of the fact that he can communicate with them in the first place.