[b]Name[/b]: Alec Foley (Calls himself [i]Midnight[/i]) [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/2agjg1z.jpg[/IMG][/hider] 6'1 Alec is slim and nimble, never being one to be [i]strong[/i] for say, but intelligent and gets things done with his mind that his strength can not. [b]Personal issue[/b]: Distant from people because of his dark past, shy and not willing to input opinion in fear of being judged. His entire family was killed before him being the age of ten, it will always haunt him. [b]Power[/b]: Darkness/shadow Manipulation. The ability to turn into night itself, and make peoples nightmares a reality. [b]Personality[/b]: A loner, does not feel it necessary to interact with people unless he really needs to, also believes that there is no such thing as love, only anger, fear, and despair. [b]Bio[/b]: As a young boy Alec was raised by a wealthy family, his father being a successful lawyer and his mother being a business lady. They led a happy life, Alec, his two brothers, older brother Henry and younger brother Danny and their parents. They lived in an upstate pent house that Alec's father had bought when he fist met Alec's mother. One evening after a rather long day at work Alec's mother came home early to find her loving husband in bed with another woman. In pure shock she left, sobbing at the realization of the situation. She hated herself. Soon after she took her life. Henry blamed his father to full extent of his mothers death, telling him every day how much he hated him and wished he had been the one to die. At the age of 9, Alec witnessed his fathers death. A shot to the head from his older 16 year old brothers revolver, a present from his grandfather. Henry, devastated now that he had lost both parents pleaded to god for mercy, shot their little brother in his sleep, in fear that he would live a path similar to his own and attempted to take Alec's life as well. Before he could Alec escaped, sobbing into the cold wet rained out streets in the middle of the night. After a while on the streets, looking for a place to go, barley living, at the age of 10 Alec was taken into a foster care, where he stayed until he turned 18 and left. At the foster care he learned something, something he was able to do, control his fear and anger and manifest it into a physical property. Darkness. He would scare kids by turning their lights off during late nights of class work at midnight. The children began to expect it, thinking it to be demons haunting them. Alec had his fun in early age, until he became more serious about his abilities, he did not want anyone else to hurt. [b]Equipment[/b]: A black coat with a hood, jeans. A small knife that he found on the street and kept with him.[hider= Knife][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/2ziyouq.jpg[/IMG][/hider]