[@TheUnknowable] Kind of an animal trainer. This is what I was thinking. My character would be able talk to and make bonds with up to two animals. The bond would have some ups and downs. When he makes a bond part of his soul/life-force trades with part of the animals soul. The ups and downs only effect the ones that are connected. So the human sends to the animal/s but the animal/s only go to the human. The upside is because of how close they are they have a understanding of what the other is thinking on the surface. Meaning they can work almost seamless in a fight. He can also heal some wounds them if he can touch the spot. The downside is some of the pain that one feels is sent to the others. So if the human was stabbed they would feel it in a similar place and it could mess up an action they were about to do. If one of the animals died it would result in their soul diapering from the human causing him great pain and shock.