(Collab with [@MsMellow]) The ride to the meeting place was quite long, as Anthony had to travel two states over. He didn't mind the ride and took his time getting there, seeing that the time of the meeting allowed him to do so. Everytime he stopped Anthony had looked over the letter, making sure he wasn't missing any hidden details but found none. Once Anthony had arrived in the city that the meeting place was located he looked over the individual buildings near the place. The meeting place was a factory, and nearby were other abandon buildings. No people nearby and in the dead of the night too, perfect for a trap or a secret meeting. It was annoying that he still couldn't tell which one it was. Continuing on his motorcycle Anthony drove a bit slower than normal and analyzed everything when he came closer to the factory. He couldn't see anything that was out of the ordinary other than himself on a motorcycle with a rifle strapped to it. He wasn't as incognito as he wanted to be but he figured they would know he was coming anyway. Anthony drove up to a parking lot several blocks away from the factory and stopped, figuring he should scope the area out from a distance. Mia had parked her car behind a large dumpster, not as much cover as she'd like, but she was getting tired of playing games. She'd had a long few months. She quickly ducked down as she saw a motorcycle pull in the same lot. She was a bit far away, but it looked like the guy was strapped. "Fuck me," she mumbled. She felt sick at her stomach for a minute..this guy was probably a hunter and her past reputation with them hadn't been perfect so far. She only used her connections when she needed some relic or information, though she did her best to keep up with debts to them. A girl had to have SOME sort of code, anyway. She packed up her gear in a backpack, and slung it over her shoulder, bottle of holy water in hand disguised as Aquafina. She watched as the mystery guy parked. "At least he has good taste in bikes," she said to herself. She waited, crouched in the dark for him to lead her to the meeting. She figured he probably knew more about what was going on than she possibly could, hell he might have even wrote the mystery letter. She considering charging and surprising him with a violent interrogation, but quickly decided against it. The mystery man got off the bike and took a cautious glance around, before unstrapping a rifle and heading into the woods toward the cluster of buildings. Mia let him have about thirty seconds before she followed as well. They were about a half mile or so away from the derelict factory, she kept as close as she could without being right on his ass. He took off up a hill, looking back as he did so...Mia barely got out of his line of sight in time. She leaned back against the trunk and took a deep breath before heading up in the same direction. THWAK. She smacked right into the guy she had been tailing. "Dammit," was all she could manage to say as she looked up at his face to gauge his reaction...her hand reflexively going for her holster. Anthony was completely shocked by the sudden "attack" that just started. Quickly turning with his rifle pointed, he saw that the attacker wasn't really an attacker at all, more like someone who happened to bump into him. The girl wasn't pausing for long either, reaching for her holster. Anthony quickly aimed his rifle. "Pull the weapon out and I blow your brains out. These are silver bullets too, don't think they won't kill you!" He yelled, trying to sound as intimidating as possible. "So, you are a hunter," Mia half sighed. She took her hand off the weapon and lifted them palms up in a show of surrender. She didn't trust this guy, but she knew if he was any type of hunter worth a damn she'd be dead before she got a shot off without the element of surprise on her side. She glanced in the direction of the factory before looking back up at him, now able to make out it's shape. There was a light flickering in one of the main windows. "What are you here for?" she demanded. Anthony was a bit surprised by the response the girl gave. She probably had no idea what was going on either. "Yes, I'm a hunter," he replied, not setting the rifle down. "And I'm here because of a letter, did you happen to be the writer?" "No. I got one, too. I honestly thought you were the secret admirer; I guess we're both here blind. Let's hope this escapade doesn't end with us on a platter." Mia glanced back at the building just as she saw a shadow pass by. "Look!" she exclaimed. "Wonder if that's our mysterious host for the night?"