Aleksandra was a bit surprised and even somewhat relieved that Aulfr stopped the kiss when he did. She wasn't embarrassed, but maybe she needed that emotion to keep her in check. After all, being so free was just a bit [i]too[/i] nice. She couldn't rush herself or Aulfr or she'd end up ruining things. She didn't want to do something she'd regret and then associate that with a bad experience. Still she couldn't stop herself from smiling sweetly, almost happily down at Aulfr. "Good morning. A very good morning indeed." Realizing that she was probably causing him some discomfort in his lower anatomy, she scooted forward a bit, to just above his hips. "You know, this might be your fault. You're too pretty," she said breezily. "And you also stripped me nearly naked! Who said you could do that? Not me, certainly. And then you're also nearly naked..." She looked him up and down and made some ghastly noise of approval that she'd never made before. It sounded like a purr. "Not that I really mind. Hmm, you shouldn't ever wear a shirt. Saints, it should be a crime." She pressed her hands to his chest and stomach, feeling every breath he took and the pounding of his heart. That last bit made her lips twitch into some faint sort of smile. At this point, she was just having fun with him. She never had this sort of effect on anyone. Mostly because she'd always been grim and quiet and pointing sharp things at anyone who glanced at her the wrong way. And here she was, straddling a man with a grin on her face, watching how utterly she disturbed him. It was the most fun she'd had in years.