Deep golden eyes flashed with alarm at the ever increasing number of genin which seemed to all but flood the establishment. Sure, Mao had received his orders earlier as to the assignment of extra personel to his squad, but he hadn't been expecting nearly the entirety of the academy's graduating class to show up on his doorstep. For the Jonin the task represented a rather daunting challenge: how was he going to give each of these prospective ninja the personal time and training required when they outnumbered him so greatly? [color=662d91]"Oh. . . I didn't expect there to be so many of you."[/color] The Jonin kept his tone neutral, though the surprise showed clearly on his face. [color=662d91]"I must say this is a bit troublesome, but I suppose Lady Tsunade knows what she's doing."[/color] The hapless instructor allowed himself a small, somewhat embarrassed smile, the sort that betrayed resignation rather than confidence. [color=662d91]"I'm not sure if everyone's arrived yet but I suppose I'll go ahead with introductions. I'm sure most of you must know each other from the academy, but from this day forth I'll be your instructor. My name is Mao-Sensei and I was formerly part of the interrogation unit."[/color] As the Jonin was speaking the waitress approached from the distance carrying a tray of dango for the group. As the woman set about placing the tray, which fortuitously was quite close to Asuka, Mao reached out, grabbing the tray's contents of three sticks, claiming the three sweets with an obliviousness that seemed to overshadow the hunger that lay in his subordinate's eyes. Taking a bite from the end of each dango stick Mao continued as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. [color=662d91]"Since you've all been assigned to squad thirteen I'll go ahead and lay out my expectations: Everyone is to train there hardest, cover their partners, and most of all try to have fun."[/color] Had the last topic been uttered by anyone other than the infamously lazy ninja it would have seemed out of place, but for Mao it was just part of his character. [color=662d91]"Oh, by the way, I seem to have forgotten my wallet. . . I hope my squad doesn't mind paying?"[/color] The Jonin's eyes seemed to glisten with genuine humor.