Elaine had settled lightly on one of the chairs in the room at the prompting of the Panthers' CO. She was familiar with Bentz and his aide from previous missions, and so far everything seemed straight-forward. Scuttlebutt had said that a group of new bodies were joining the unit, and she was quietly relieved to see it was true. The Panthers had been under-strength for a while, getting things back into working order would be good for everyone involved. The orange-haired slip of a woman studied the illuminated map with a practiced eye and absorbed the information, flicking her gaze between various points as Bentz explained the situation to them all. The nuts-and-bolts of the op were, as things went, one of the more straight-forward tasks she'd heard of, and that was something to be glad about. A few more specifics wouldn't hurt though, she reasoned. One of the new pilots opened up with a question, and she listened for the answer, before speaking up herself. "Do we have any information on the numbers and strength of the security forces?" she asked, her strong accent distinctive in the quiet of the room, burring on the 'r's' in her sentence and a slight smile of familiarity directed toward Cecilia as she asked. "I'd like to know what we're up against as much as possible before we head in, and I make any adjustments I need".