[center][h3]Warakuma High - After School 3/6/2015 Wednesday[/h3][/center] The next day started and sure enough Sato and Kotori were at school again. It seems some people knew they went missing, likely from their parents, who were likely gossipers. He saw a lot of visitors come after he left Kotori's ward in the hospital the other day, with all that's happened, he knew this was a good turnout for her. In any case, the school day ended fairly normally, just a few students who failed were called out to retake their exams later in the week. Rui who scored well didn't need to. It was a Wednesday, so Kendo and Kyuudo were both on. He saw Kami earlier today, and he said he would be out looking for more clues. He was trying to leave his schedule open in case Kotori and Sato wanted to ask him about the whole shadows affair. To be honest he didn't know much about it, and when he thought about it he couldn't find a meaning beyond just helping people, because that was the right thing to do. Then again, everyone was becoming steady friends, but he couldn't feel that vibe with Kazuki and his group... Except for Megumi, but she was the only one actively being open with everyone. [color=slategray]"Oh well whatever..."[/color], when was summer holidays... A month and a half from now... Well, this month was going to be a long one, he thought to himself, as he headed to the club building. Maybe he should go Kyuudo again, since he hadn't shown up there in ages.