Harold "Juppy" Benson sat in the middle of the room, unusually quiet- he wanted to get a read on everyone else before he started talking. He didn't want to accidentally piss someone off to the point where they knocked his nose off, after all. Well, he thought to himself, he was only unusually quiet because HE knew that he usually wouldn't shut up, so it's really hard for anyone else to know that he's being unusual. Which meant that his first impression was that of a quiet loser who sat in the middle of the room. Therefore! He must make sure they are all well aware of his personality. He opened his mouth, but was interrupted by the door opening, and their stern XO. His jaw, of course, remained open, and he just stared at her for a moment, before closing his mouth with an audible *clop*! He heaved myself up from his chair in, perhaps, an overly exaggerated fashion, and then followed the rest of the recruits and vets into the next room, where they took [i]another[/i] seat. He dropped into his with, again, a somewhat exaggerated fashion. And yet, he was all ears- he listened attentively, and asked away as soon as the other two had finished. "I hope you'll allow me to get some more extensive command-and-control modules with a more specialized mech, soon, because I'm not much of a front line fighter. Not out of lack of skill, I'm just better at pointing out where things are goin' south, you know? And I don't mean command and control as me being in control, but rather me being the one that points out that there's a small horde heading towards one of our guys, and letting everyone know if enemy reinforcements are coming or anything. I'd be the spotter for airstrikes, you know? The one who watches the map and keeps everyone up to date, relays orders, request new ones. Tactical is my thing, and I suppose I see that you want to see if my fighting skills are good and trustworthy and- okay yeah I'll shut up now. Sorry mates." He had leaned forward throughout his little dialogue, getting more and more into it, but when he cut himself off, he dropped back into it, taking a deep little breath.