Pretty sure it read 'factory and other nearby buildings' and its in an area surrounded by woods. The wife [@MsMellow] turned me onto this and I've already read up on the IC. I saw you had a lot of hunters including a shifter and an angel, but I was hoping to introduce something else. I looked on a Supernatural Wiki to be sure, but Banshees have only ever been mentioned once in an episode and were only featured in a tie in novel as a side character early on. Since there's so little to go on I was hoping I could put a spin on the whole idea of Banshees. In my mind it looks something like Demons > Vampires and it's comparable to Angels > Banshees. So Banshees, at least in Europe, would be seen as the foil for vampires rather than werewolves [cause that's been done to death]. Usually they're seen as female souls/ghosts who scream before someone who has wronged them dies. The twist would be my Banshee is alive, and male at that. The rest of his kind [Banshees w/Bodies] would mostly still be in Europe and fighting Vampires. I was hoping to introduce a character like this by way of somebody who would actually have an idea of what they were looking at. Maybe Rufus could discover this European kid and be his mentor for a bit leading into this meeting at the abandoned factory? Oh, and hi [@Angel Vicky]! ~KL~