The gleaming armor of both knight and steed stood out from the streets of Alo'Quin, beggars could only look up in amazement as some of the braver sort even held out their hands to the passing knight for just the chance of coin. However it was not to be, as not only had her money gone into the armor and weapons that she wore but there was a very important meeting that she had to get to in time. Waving her hand over the beggars in a silent prayer she had to move on until finally she reached the bar known as the Cup and Barrel. Val secured her horse to the post outside the bar, she knew she stuck out like a sore thumb in compassion to most here but if they wanted to meet here then so be it, besides she had little other 'outfits' that would spark just as much attention. Moving inside she discovered soon enough that she did not have to worry about standing out as a red haired oni was much more of a attention seeker than herself. It was safe to say that she had located her future companions. [color=8493ca][b]"You're loud." [/b][/color] Her voice was muffled behind the helmet as she got up to the table, her observation blunt but she did not tell her to stop no that would be rude, she was just pointing it out in case she did not notice. Thinking it rude, and it was a little hard to talk and hear in the helmet anyway, she reached up and removed it, the feathers of the headdress she wore easily slipping out of it also as her dyed golden locks flowed down her shoulders and her silver armor and across her mark of the heart and sword. The entire time that the speech was going on Val's eyes never left Maribel, the senses of the dark forces that she had picked up were going haywire by this point... Putting it aside for the time being she picked up the gold that was offered, always intending to take the mission anyway so after she took a seat. [color=8493ca][b]"The... Lady is correct. I, Valentine Sel'Lei, would like to know more Merlin."[/b][/color] She clearly had a problem with calling Maribel a lady.