Aulfr felt shivers run through him, and not because he was cold or because he was afraid. No, it was because Aleksandra was being... exciting. He didn't know whether or not this was a good or bad thing, especially with her teasing of him. And, regardless, her sitting on him wasn't exactly giving him a... calming effect. Especially in such a way, when clothed like so, and so obviously enjoying it. His heart pounded, and another shiver at her purr. She could purr? He didn't know that, and he liked the sound of it [i]too[/i] much for his own good. But instead of letting her see him shiver, see him want to just stare at her forever, among other things, he took the initiative. So he gave her a wicked grin, and replied, "Aye, I am fairly pretty indeed. And besides, you look much better now than you did before. It'd be just as much of a crime for me to wear a shirt as it would be for you, you know. After all, you have significantly more... assets, than I, don'tcha think?" He sat up, suddenly, embracing her with his arms, leaning his forehead against hers in a surprisingly intimate gesture. "You and I, Aleksandra, you and I. We'll take on the world."