[hider=Scarlet] Name: Scarlet James Age: 28 Alignment/Position: Evil/Thief Preferred Dialogue Color: [color=lightpink] This one [/color] Height: 5'10'' Weight: 132 lbs Appearance: [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/241a/f/2011/085/d/9/redhead_by_effic-d3chri1.jpg[/img] General Apparel: Generally seen wearing leather attire (a leather top, leather pants, leather boots) while working, as well as a mask to protect her identity. During normal days she likes to wear jeans and tank tops, and a pink hoodie in case it gets cold. Lifestyle Notes: Scarlet usually lives alone, running from place to place as she can't be in one place too long, but sometimes bunks with her old friend Vi, who is her fence. She has a few close friends in the "procuring" business and maintains ties with them. Location: Generally anywhere, but has a base (of sorts) set up in the Port Afflictions: Narcissism Likes: Tattoos, Money, Shopping Dislikes: Authority, Rats (both the animal and the tattle tales), Spiders Fears: Fear of Spiders Superhuman Ability and Description: The best ability a thief could have, Scarlet has the power of Invisibility. She can maintain this at will and cannot be seen via sight, camera, or nightvision. Infa-red can still pick her up. She also has the power of telekinesis and can pick up objects or people and move them around. Scarlet does need to see the object/person in question, and dependent on weight, can take minimal or large amounts of strain on her. These powers are especially handy when stealing. History: [color=lightpink] "You probably heard this story before. Stop me if you have. A young girl, thrusted out on the street, having to make a living for herself, probably has a younger sibling to feed and watch, so she takes up stealing. Gets off to a rocky start at first, but then she realizes she's good at it. Like, scary good. She starts small, knicking a wallet or purse, enough to go to a fast food place for some small meals or afford a drink at the vending machine. Then she starts going bigger and bigger, knabbing antiques and collectibles from all walks of life. The girl grows up like this and starts to make a name for herself and becomes this ultimate badass. Sounds cool, right? Well that didn't happen. This story is going to get weird. See, I come from really nice surroundings. Talking very rich here. Mom and Dad both loved me and showed me affection, so no, I am not upset because mommy or daddy didn't hug me enough. I do have a younger sibling, a younger sister. Before you ask, no I haven't heard from her in a while, couldn't care less really. I went to school, got taught really well, blah blah blah. So what makes a girl with this beginning turn to a life of crime? Simple really. I was bored. Riding horses and jet setting may seem fine to you peons, but frankly, it gets boring real quick. Now, thieving isn't easy. No, it takes work. Scouting, plotting, hiding, disguising, bribing. It takes a lot of work, if you're good at it. Sure you could steal a wallet and get a credit card, but technology nowadays, can spot you real easy. Big Brother in the sky and all. No no, it takes a special "talent." I didn't realize I had this type of power until I was in my late teens. Trust me, I was beyond pissed off thinking about all the situations where invisibility would have been useful. But, bygones and all that. It was sort of an accident, but I used this to my advantage, sneaking out of the house by walking out the front door rather than jumping out my window. As I got older, I realized just how useful this ability is. On top of that, my mind can do freaky stuff. Like..move things. It's pretty awesome, I know. I moved out of my parent's home and started off for the city. I wanted a new change of scenery. Vale City seemed like a good place to start. I was unknown there, I was invisible without having to use my powers. So I started small, robbing a museum to get my calling card out there. I apparently was found out by this woman named Vi, who got some goons to grab me. She explained she was a fence and had some clients who needed things done. She promised to pay me handsomely for them, much more than if I sold them myself, so I figured, hell, why not? And no, it wasn't because she had a gun to my head either. Turns out, Vi was right. I was making nice money. I was able to buy myself a nice apartment, some nice new clothes, and anything else my heart desired. I noticed a flaw though. I couldn't stay in one place for a long time, less I make myself known and am targeted. So I move around, going from place to place. It's not all bad, I've had a lot of fun doing so. So yeah, no rags to riches story here. If you want that, open a fairy tale."[/color] Follower/Gang Information(If Crimelord): Not a Crimelord [/hider]