Eldarin considered his option briefly, fight the wolves in a 2v4 with a friend who didn't appear to be a fighter, or attempt to escape through the water he wasn't supposed to drink. Would swimming through it hurt him? A question that might've been helpful earlier, he thought wistfully. Maybe if there were only two wolves and him he would've risked it, but he wasn't willing to bet on his companion being able to take two hungry wolves on by himself. Of course his bets were equally low that the robed boy could successfully swim through the water, but hey, take what you could get. "[b]Run[/b]." Was all Eldarin said before turning his back on the wolves and jumping as far as he could across the river to the other bank. After that he fully intended to swim to the other side, perhaps the wolves could swim, but if so he had a head start and once he got to the other side could kill them as they attempted to cross. What a great start to this adventure, he'd have to make sure to find a good campsite early, fire might not even be an option if the rest of this forest was as hungry as these wolves were. Good thing he had extra clothes, he didn't relish the thought of dying to wolves in the middle of the night or sleeping in soaking clothes.