((Collab Post between Letter Bee and Madly33)) Par nodded respectfully to John, while at the same time noticing that Gabe was both some distance away and, well, was looking [i]good[/i]. Good as in professional, and good as in...that way. The young merchant would be mesmerized by how the blond looked as he wove through the available sources of cover, but eventually chose to react to John's words: "Thanks, although my intention was to distract the guards while you guys go and escape with the slaves; basically, I and George here," he patted his steed, "were going to make as big a ruckus as we could, then get away once we've made our rampage. Even now, I still think that plan is workable; I'll move east to where the arsenals and blockhouses are, then try and break through to the North Woods*." Par then looked at John again. "What do you think? Also..." he felt the urge to add, "keep Gabe safe." "Anything you think would help" he said in responce "...And..sure?" he said in confusion before looking at him and it processing "Ahh.. Yes" He nodded and signaled at Gabe to inform of the new plan. "Thanks," said Par, before going off to the northeast; he knew it would give Gabe a bad impression for him to leave so soon and go it alone, but hopefully, John would explain things to the other boy better. Sigh...why must the blond be so hot? *http://www.centralparknyc.org/things-to-see-and-do/attractions/north-woods.html?referrer=https://www.google.com/ [@shadowsaint007], [@Kenyeismylife]