Aleksandra grinned back at Aulfr and readied a witty reply to continue their banter, but he gathered her in his arms before she could say anything. She automatically snaked her arms around his broad shoulders and closed her eyes, assuming he was going to kiss her. But then their foreheads touched and he said those quiet words. And she very suddenly felt like crying. Not out of fear. She was just happy. Elated, in fact. The sweet feeling in her chest swelled until she felt like she was going to melt into a teary mess right in his arms. She couldn't stop one tear from escaping, but she didn't think Aulfr saw it. Gently, without moving her head from that intimate little touch, she reached up and slowly raked her fingers through his hair. Then over his ears and down his neck. Across his shoulders, down his arms and back and then up his stomach and chest. She ended her light caress on his cheeks, with her thumbs placed at the corners of his mouth. Then she leaned in and kissed him. Finally, she had to pull away and climb from his lap. She had to get her emotions in check; if she started crying now, she'd never be able to live it down. She carefully turned her face away and wiped her cheeks, feeling the wetness there. No more tears, she told herself. She didn't need them. "You'll take on the world, Aulfr. And I'll be there to help you along the way. But it's all yours." She picked up one of his discarded shirts, gave it a cursory sniff, and pulled it on over her shift and underthings. She knew she probably wouldn't be leaving their chambers, so there was no reason to really get dressed. Besides, she sort of enjoyed moving around the room, the hem of the shirt fluttering and giving teasing little glimpses at her rear. She went to the door, motioned to a nearby servant (who looked very surprised and uncomfortable to see her wearing almost nothing but the prince's shirt), and ordered breakfast for her and Aulfr. Then she turned back and sat in front of the small dressing area and the mirror there as she brushed and wrangled her crazy black waves into something less wild. "Whatever you were saying before about assets was nonsense. You can see how women drool whenever you're near them. Can you imagine how one of those simpering little posies would react to seeing you in such a state of undress?" She snorted at the thought. And then felt a disturbing flash of jealously. She didn't really enjoy that feeling. It felt... slimy.