[center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Haru.Shikazumi.full.1022183.jpg[/img] [h2][color=F0E68C]Aleksandr Kain[/color][/h2] Age: 25 Alignment/Position: Evil, Independent Agent. Preferred Dialogue Color(please put the color code): [color=F0E68C]F0E68C[/color] Height: 6'2" Weight: 158 lb. Appearance: Aleksandr is a tall, lean man, with dark brown eyes, which are usually almost covered by his long brown bangs. General Apparel: Alek wears a hoodie over a white dress shirt, and washed grey-black jeans. He wears black leather gloves when on the job, as to not leave fingerprints. He wears black boots with good traction at all times, and warm wool socks. It gets cold and rainy in Vale City. Lifestyle Notes: Since he graduated from college, he has lived alone, in his apartment in a pretty swanky building by the Pier on the North Side of the Residential District. He has been thinking about getting a cat. Cats are cool. Location: Apartment in the Residential District. Afflictions: Alek has mild bouts of vertigo. Luckily, these appear quite rarely, but in extremely stressful situations (i.e: A gunfight on top of a skyscraper, a car chase along the edge of the docks, etc,) he begins to feel dizzy, and his depth perception begins to go, at distances beyond arms' reach. Likes: Cats, music, money (lots of it,) and one-upping the arrogant. Dislikes: Needless cruelty, arrogance, those who go out of their way to inconvenience you. Fears: Not dying, but being hurt beyond the point of recovery, and then becoming either comatose or crippled. Superhuman Ability and Description: Speed Calling Alek can draw upon a hidden reserve of speed, in either small bursts, or a long period of time. He can go up to 60 MPH for a 3 second burst, or up to 20 MPH over a 3 minute run. It gets exponentially faster, as the time gets shorter. After which, he simply cannot move that fast, as in, he cannot reach that speed until twelve hours have passed. His senses and reactions are adjusted so he can react to things while moving that quickly. History: Alek was always that one rich kid. Everybody knows him, that one guy who always had the latest phone, the best clothes, and threw all the parties? Yeah, that was Alek. Born to a fairly well-off banker, and a rich newspaper mogul, Alek got into the best of private schools, and eventually, colleges, all while keeping his powers secret. He received a wide education in engineering, mechanical and architectural, and had planned on becoming an architect, before both of his parents were killed in a highly suspicious 'accident'. Normally, their child would get the inheritance in the will, but due to a legal issue, the Bank of Vale City took their millions, and left Alek penniless. Due to this, Alek looked into their deaths, and discovered that the Vale City Bank system had hired a man called 'Mongoose' to arrange for their demise. Hunting him down, Alek found and killed 'Mongoose', but the money was long gone. A bitter Alek turned to crime, and began to use his powers and skills to rob banks discretely, take out gangs, and orchestrate traps. He is for hire as an entry/retrieval specialist, 'fixer', and cleanup agent, but his prices are exorbitant. Follower/Gang Information: No gang.[/center]