Maia sat still in her chair, hands steepled in front of her face and trying her best to not look hung over. As her first real run as a regular in a mercenary company, she knew she had to listen in order to get ahead. And so she pushed past an ache in her head, and tried her best to listen to her prospective new CO. But of course, her listening was really in the loosest sense of the word. Her eyes glazed over at the generous statements Bentz made about the Panthers, and the mention of company this, corp that almost turned her off of listening entirely. The only things that stuck were the logo she had to watch out for, and the map. And really, that's all she needed. The second the initial briefing was up, she was beginning to stand just as Benson decided to give a dissertation about how, no, he'd rather not be in the front lines because he's a logistics specialist. The obvious "you take orders from me" response and his fire back made Maia sit right back down, rubbing a temple with the heel of her hand and frowning. Looks like she had already found someone especially to keep her distance. As she sat, she decided to survey the rest of the group, trying to draw some conclusion about them. Her headache didn't exactly help her form any opinions. Benson, she could already tell, was the go-getter assertive type. Her least favorite. Jason... she didn't know. He seemed quiet, which was good enough, although that could change. Ryder seemed more quiet, a real stoic warrior type, conscious of her appearance too. And Maia could tell that if nothing else, Ryder also had her scars. If she didn't monologue about the rules of nature or whatever things would be just dandy. She caught Isabella scanning at the same time as her, and tried to seem nonchalant. Edward was huge, but that's all she could glean. Lots of people missing parts of their body. At least Maia counted herself lucky for that, even if she was falling to pieces. At the actual end of the briefing, Maia stood up and snapped a half-hearted salute to the CO. She walked quickly out of the room, popping an aspirin as she did so. It was going to be a long, long day. Even the crudely drawn snarling dog face she'd painted on Mad Dog's front panels during a bender didn't dissuade her from this opinion. Bernard popping out of the cockpit suddenly was enough to snap Maia right out of her hangover, however. And nearly out of her skin, considering how she visibly jumped at his appearance. "Gah!" she exclaimed, before quickly straightening herself out and flattening her expression. Now was the time to deflect possible signs of weakness with humor. "So... how was the nap?"