[color=crimson]"Ora ora ora! Now that's not a nice thing to say, lil' girl! I got as much right to speak and listen as you do, I just exercise that right more."[/color] Raijin said confidently. She than went up to Mirabel, sizing her up. She could tell from her scent that she wasn't a mere mortal, but neither was she demonic. Possibly some sort of magical creature? The oni couldn't quite pin it down, but she knew something was up with Mirabel. Soon a knight came in but Raijin didn't pay her any attention until she took off her helmet and introduced herself. [color=crimson]"A knight eh!? In shining armor even! It's almost a fairy tale. Well I'm Raijin, the Raging Lightning! Please to meet ya acquaintance. So what's this I hear about a necromancer stirring up trouble? I hear he's already got an army. Ought to make things interesting, eh?!"[/color] The old man left directions to some human by the name Merlin. Raijin wasn't really impressed, but then again no one really impressed her. [color=crimson]"So, Merlin, what's the big plan? Unless we're going to wait for the storm of the century, even I don't have a chance against an army of undead. At least not without a really, really good drink."[/color] [hr] Lan was surprised to hear druids being specifically called for by the elder man. The boy knew it wasn't a coincidence: these were the ones he needed to meet. Though he was still nervous, he at least stepped forward and received payment. Only issue was, Lan had no idea what to do with his money. He had been given some by the druids for travels, but he had no idea how things were priced in civilization. To him simple commodities like apples were a natural bounty, as his forest doesn't really produce many fruits like that. The only thing he could imagine using the money to buy would be things related to his spellcasting, but he wasn't certain if anyone was knowledgeable of the druidic arts. Even Lan himself only knows enough of the basics to develop and grow on his own: the older arts are something he needs to learn from one who has experienced it. Regardless of his uncertainty Lan still stayed with the group, taking note of the various... Colorful females. The first who spoke was Mirabel. Lan could tell she was no mere mortal, and what she was drinking was certainly not juice. At least it wasn't just juice. The smells were mired however, but if Lan ever got her cup he could likely identify the contents. Not that he had any reason too: Mirabel seemed a strange one, but she was nice enough. Pretty too. Next was Valetine Sel'Lei, an elvish knight of some sort. Seeing her made Lan's heart skip a beat. She was breathtaking, almost literally so. Lan has seen elves before, both wild and serene, yet she was a cut from a different cloth. But Lan could tell there was something... Unholy about her. Like she was linked to both life and death. A very peculiar feeling, one which Lan would have to figure out later. Then there was the red-haired woman named Raijin. From her name, appearance, and attitude, Lan pinned her as a demon. The fact that she hasn't already torn down the tavern meant she was at least in control of her urges, if only barely so. Lan would have to do his best to avoid her: he's dealt with many of her kind before, and none of those experiences were pleasant. Lan stayed somewhat hidden, or at least doing his best not to draw attention to himself. Shouldn't be hard with Raijin being so dramatic, though Lan would have to introduce himself somehow. [color=a2d39c]"H-h-h-hi... I'm Lan..."[/color]