And just like that... they were all gone. I was only halfway through my speech about how we should try to maintain peace, and they all just left, laughing. "I'll bet he just took a class about politics, or something," and "What an idiot... he actually thinks we want to listen to anything he says," were among the comments as they all left. Somehow, even if it's only been six months, I kind of got a reputation as a walking, breathing joke in this place, and worse, I'm not even good enough at comedy to turn this into an actual joke. [i]I guess that's just the story of my life... nobody's ever going to take me seriously, huh?[/i] I think as I decide to end my speech there, even if I never really got to say all the points that I wanted to, it's not like anyone was really listening anymore. Erion seemed to appear at about that time, and I would have said something to him, but... I decided against it. I'm sure he'd be able to get these points out... he, somehow, was actually good at doing that. Me? Pfft... good at nothing, and good for nothing. Heck, at the rate I'm going, I'm just going to be eating instant noodles and living in the low-rent apartments on the bad side of town for the rest of my life. I just continued heading towards my next class, and tried to push those thoughts out of my head... they weren't doing me any good, anyways, right? I had to remain positive, I will find something that I like, and am good at... someday, and... maybe I'll finally DO something. That was just about the point where I remembered that I didn't have another class, and I tried to figure out what to do next. I thought about it for a while, and remembered that this was actually the last day of the semester, too, which, considering the fact that I couldn't sign up for next semester, gave me some time to do stuff on my own. I thought about anything I could do just as a distraction, and finally ended up saying something to Erion "You know... maybe we should find Frisk... as good as you are at this, his presence alone seemed to be enough to bring peace between humans and monsters," of course, that was more or less me accidentally speaking what I was supposed to be thinking, but, I didn't make any effort to correct myself. I would have started flying back, but, instead, I just sort of stuck near Erion, awaiting his response to my random thought. I end up picking up a newspaper for no real reason, and look at a 'have you seen me?' ad with the kid's face on it. I then wondered who in the would might actually want Frisk gone... perhaps just some crazy guy who hates monsters and loves knives? Nah... maybe it was just some guy who doesn't like the fact that he has to share a workplace with someone who is decidedly not human, though, what's weird is that there wasn't anyone like that during these six months, the few who didn't like monsters didn't ever lash out like this, and, as far as I know there weren't even any monster-related slurs. Maybe it was just someone who wanted to watch the world burn... someone who wants nothing more than destruction, and figured that this might tear a hole in monster-human relations... or maybe Frisk wasn't kidnapped, and he's wandering around in the underground right now... wait... did anyone ever think to check there? The hole hasn't been filled in, he could have just as easily fell back down, and now he's just trying to make his way back up here. I kept that idea in my head for when Erion finally spoke, but I started thinking about other possibilities, such as... what if he actually died down there, or in some rock slide and nobody's found the body yet? That was just about the point where I figured that I was overthinking this whole thing. I probably had a very blank, distant look on my face as I thought about where he might be, or what might have happened to him. Either way, someone probably needed to find the kid, and soon, else... well... war might happen. Apparently, according to some of the older monsters, this wouldn't even be the first time war broke out between humans and monsters, and, yes, the first time ended with us underground... for some reason, I had a feeling the humans wouldn't be quite as merciful, should that happen again. Sure, I probably had the wildest, least possible idea of where Frisk might have wandered off to, but it was worth checking, wasn't it? I simply stood there, waiting for something to happen, but, for some reason, I felt as if I should have flown over to that hole, myself and try to check the entire place. It's not like there's anything stopping me, and heck, there probably isn't so much as a single slug down there that might stop me, or pose some sort of threat to me... and yet, here I was, still waiting for Erion to say something... weird.