Jason leaves the briefing room feeling energized, 8-10 enemies verses what seems to be an even force of mercenaries. 'Could be diecy' he thinks to himself as he enters the hangar with his FRAME. To steady his nerves and calm his mind he begins maintence of his FRAME. he field strips his dual Auto-cannons and oils them up well, to assure himself that there will be no unexpected complications in battle. Once he finishes with the Guns he checks over the missile launcher, making sure that there is no chance for a misfire. once all these checks had been completed he looked at the clock, 15 minutes until the mission. He loads all the ammunition into the FRAME and climbs into the cockpit. running several systems diagnostics that only take a few moments. Once his FRAME checked out to his satisfaction Jason powers it on and moves around lightly. He tests the range of motion in his arms and legs, it was the same as it always had been, but its a good reminder that the FRAME doesn't quite move the same way as a human. checking the on board clock it's 10 more minutes until the mission starts, he mutters to himself "Come on! Im ready for the fight!." with nothing better to do, he shadow boxes for a couple minutes to get the engine and himself warmed up for battle, with only five minutes remaining he stops and just breathes deeply, waiting for hell.