[center][b]Matsushima Mitsuko[/b] [i]Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School[/i][/center] Mitsuko was jolted out of her thoughts when Yurika approached her, the girl tilting her head to the side slightly at Yurika's question. Had she come across as antisocial? She was just waiting for the people who said they wanted to talk to her after the club meeting to do so, after all, but maybe that could have come across as not wanting to converse with her club members? This was hard. "Ah, you don't have to worry about your questions, Yurumiya-san. I won't ask you to forcefully restrain your personality while in my club; that would hardly be my goal. If you would like to be my friend, then I will be happy to consider you as one." She replied with a rather curt nod. While there wasn't an overt amount of excitement present in the occult eccentric's tone, a slight lilt formed in her voice towards the latter half of her statement, what seemed like an attempt at a smile playing along the edges of her express. "I do hope you didn't take my mother's business as a personal insult, though. I really just don't want to inconvenience her more than she already is, but if she ever has the time, I will mention your request."