Asgore Dreemur sat and moped. Staring into the sunset, he moped. In his hand he held a shirt, a pink shirt, a gift from his wife. "BEST DAD EVER" It read, and Asgore stared into it mournfully. Asgore stood up, throwing his cape out of the way of his hands, his expression pained. [color=0072bc]"How could I be the best father, when I've lost all of my children?"[/color] Asgore looked one last time at the shirt, before throwing it to the wind. It soared through the air, landing on a tree below. Asgore turned away from the sun, taking one last look into the horizon, and then walking towards the city. Meanwhile, a group of schoolchildren were writing a test, they were all struggling and having a bad time, one child looked up from his sheet and to the teacher with gritted teeth and furrowed brow. [color=662d91]"It's too hard! How can we do this without erasers?"[/color] The teacher raised an eyebrow, and opened her mouth to comment, when the wall was smashed down. [color=ed1c24]"DID SOMEONE SAY ERASER?!"[/color] Mettaton made his entrance, subtle as usual, he turned to the teacher, and gave her an apple. [color=ed1c24]"HELLO MISS TEACHER! YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE GIFT OF A MTT BRAND WEARABLE APPLE! WAIT, YOUR HUMAN BODY HEAT APPEARS TO BE MELTING IT!"[/color] The stem burst into flames. [color=ed1c24]"IT APPEARS TO BE A BOMB, THAT MAY BE A PROBLEM. DON'T WORRY! ALL IT TAKES IS A MILITARY GRADE DEFUSER!...YOU DON'T HAVE ONE? WELP, A++ TO THIS TEACHER! GOOD FOR HER THAT I BROUGHT A DEFUSER ISN'T IT?"[/color] Mettaton pulled out a small gray remote, with a big red button on it. He pressed the button and the bomb apple stopped exploding, instead, it exploded into confetti. [color=ed1c24]"NOW HUMAN CHILDREN! WOULD YOU LIKE AN ERASER SHAPED LIKE MY FACE?"[/color] A murmur went around the class. [i]"Not really"[/i] [i]"Kinda"[/i] [color=ed1c24]"WELL IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY DARLINGS! FOR NOW, THERE IS AN ERASER THAT FILLS BOTH YOUR DAILY METTATON REQUIREMENT! AND ALSO ALLOWS YOU TO ERASE LIKE A PRO! ALSO, DO NOT GET THIS NEAR ANY MONSTERS, THEY'LL EAT IT!"[/color] The children stayed firmly planted in their seats. [color=ed1c24]"AND CUT!"[/color] Mettaton made an "X" with his hands and put his hands on his hips. [color=ed1c24]"YOUR LINES AREN'T THAT HARD CHILDREN! ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY IS YES! TWICE! THREE TIMES! LOOK! I CAN SAY IT!"[/color] Mettaton clears his.... not-throat. [color=ed1c24]"'yes'"[/color] Mettaton had a commendable sans impression. [color=ed1c24]"SEE HOW EASY THAT WAS? TAKE 13!"[/color] A groan went across the class. Mettaton picked up the broken wall under his arm and brought it with him out the room. There were thirteen holes in the walls.