Asgore walked the city streets, filled with rage at the humans for not even trying to find Frisk, they wouldn't listen to him, monsters weren't people, monsters didn't deserve help! If Frisk were there, they'd think twice. He just knew it. A small human child walked by Asgore, avoiding him as he walked, Asgore frowned, before smiling, the same nurturing smile he gave his children. He turned to the child and kneeled. The child eyed him with suspicion, but Asgore kept smiling. He held his hand out, and snapped his fingers, immediately, fire shot from his hand, like a candle. The child looked at his hand fascinated, moving his hand to touch it, Asgore shot up and held his hand away, His eyes wide and teeth barred. He stood on one foot, with the fire in his hand raised into the sky, he looked ridiculous. Asgore looked around at all the people staring at him, embarrassed, before putting away the flame and putting his cape over his shoulders, he walked to the child, and ran his hand through his hair, messing it up. The child smiled, as did Asgore. Then a sound rang out through the city, Asgore turned to the direction of the noise, curious. He walked in that direction, with an eyebrow raised and mouth half open. He saw... a young monster, playing a saxophone. Asgore smiled and walked over. [color=0072bc]"Excuse me my child, it appears that that metal object is lodged in your mouth, I'd be happy to remove it for you!"[/color] Asgore held out a hand, he was around twice the other monster's height, so he was leaning downwards as he did. [i]'Just be kind, they'll accept me eventually.'[/i] [@Sumable]