With success getting #5 off of him by making him stall out and crashing into the Albatross wing, Reggie was proud of himself to he not only managed to get away from this seemingly skilled enemy but he beat his ass without having to fire at him. "HAHAHAAAAAA That's right! Fuck yo cheap ass plane! You really bullshittin if you think you can catch my black ass." hearing on the com from Roland, Reggie went to loop around and headed to Roland's location to try and help "I gotcha bossman! Imma piss on the leader pigeon's face and keep his punk ass busy." Reggie responded as he felt that his guns may not do as much damage to the bomber like the others but he was not going to admit it. After surviving a fight with one little raven, he was going to concentrate on the other while the rest deal with the bomber. Turning his plane sideways he headed towards Raven #1 from 3 o' clock, firing off a few shots to get the leader's attention. I mean, Reggie is a rabbit, why not fuck with the leader? (Sorry for the late reply. This was a rush post for me.)