Skylar had soon reached the secretary and handed in her papers, so that they would be given to Asgore. She wasn't surprised that Asgore wasn't in the Ambassador's building today. She figured that he must be still moping over Frisk's disappearance. Honestly, it surprised her when she first saw his moping, but then she wasn't sure what she thought he would be like when she first saw him arrive from the Underground with Frisk. She sighed as she rubbed her temples as she walked down the halls once again, lost in her thoughts until she bumped into someone. She stopped and apologized "Oh! Excuse me," She looked at who she bumped into and saw it was Alphys. She greeted "Oh, Hi Alphys," Aphys greeted hesitantly "He-Hello, Um, Sk-Skylar, right?" Skylar nodded and she asked in a friendly and concerned way (since she knew that Alphys was also Frisk's friend) "How've you been?" Alphys nodded and she answered looking away "Go-Good, uh...Actually I'm not ok..." Skylar sighed and answered "I see," Alphys then stated "O-Oh! Th-That's right! I wanted to talk to you about something!" Skylar blinked and she asked "Sure, what's up?" The dinosaur monster scientist started "We-Well, y-you see, about the search, the-there's something I want to-to try-" Before she could continue, Skylar's phone started to ring an upbeat melody. Skylar apologized "I'm so sorry, Alphys! Let me sil...ence.." As she took out her phone to silence it, she froze at the caller ID... Frisk Skylar's eyes widened at the ID and she looked to Alphys who was in equal shock, before she hurriedly answered the phone. "Frisk?! Frisk, where are you?! Where have you been?!" However on the other end there was static and her sibling's voice could be faintly heard. She focused on trying to hear him, while Alphys took out a gadget and hurriedly twisted the knobs while staring at a screen. "[i].....Sis....Don' love you....Sis....[/i]" Tears started to prick at Skylar's eyes and she shouted "Slow down, Frisk! Why are you saying those things?! Frisk?! FRISK!!!" Soon Frisk had hung up on her, and she stared at the phone. She looked to Alphys when the scientist spoke "I traced the phone call! My device located the source coming from the forest near Mt. Ebott!" Skylar gasped. She turned tail and she ran out of the building calling to Alphys, "THANKS ALPHYS!!!" Alphys shouted to her "W-WAIT!!!" After Skylar was out, Alphys nervously stated "Oh no...Just because I found the source of that phone call doesn't mean Frisk could be there, and she doesn't know the exact coordinates! I need to call for help for Skylar..." Alphys took out her cell phone and called Asgore to tell him about Skylar and the phone call. Skylar ran out of the building and ran through town, never stopping or slowing down, no matter how much her muscles and lungs cried for her to stop. She had a look of determination on her face as she kept running heading for the forest.