"Well, I think we should check the underground. It seems likely that he'd fall down there, again," I explain to Erion. I then catch a glimpse of someone rushing past the place, with a look of determination on her face... wherever she was heading, she wanted to get there fast. Curious about this, I flew towards her just to keep up. "Um... hi?" I introduce while avoiding an obstacle that would have otherwise probably sent me several feet backwards. "So... what's with the running?" I continue, though, for some reason, I didn't really expect an answer, at least, not yet. She seemed to be running to the forest, or the mountain... one or the other. I suppose if she was heading into the underground, we'd have a common goal at this point. I then add "So... did you hear about Frisk? I, um, have a feeling he might be in the underground again, you know? As in, he fell down there again by accident, or something... of course, my friend got the idea that he still has his cell phone, and we could ask where he is..." I narrowly avoid a tree after that conversation, and pass by a chameleon with a saxophone, and that guy that might have been the king. "Uh, 'scuse me! Sorry!" I shout as I fly between the two, narrowly missing at least one of them. I continued my flight, wondering exactly why this girl was so determined to run... somewhere... though, I was almost sure that she would answer in some way or another... I just hoped that way wouldn't involve violence. I start to ask the running girl another question, however, that distracted me from a tree, which I quickly flew right into, effectively stopping my flight for at least the next five minutes. That was just about the time when I looked back to see if Erion was following me, and, if that was actually him, and not just some weird effect of being hit in the head, he probably heard me say "Owww... stupid... trees..." though, I could have just as easily been talking to myself at that point.