[color=ed1c24]"TAKE 39!"[/color] No groan erupted around the room this time, most of the actors seemed resigned to their fate. Yet again Mettaton left the room, which less and less resembled a school. Mettaton stood outside the collapsing building, using his phone to manage his many businesses when [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwrUem9vM_A]his ringtone sounded.[/url] It was Alphys, it seemed more and more like she was acting through him, never leaving her lab except for her dates with Undyne. She barely even spoke to him anymore, she was his creator! She needed to pay attention. Mettaton frowned internally before answering the call. [i]'This'd better be good Alphys.'[/i] [color=fff200]"Uh....M-Mettaton?"[/color] Mettaton blew a raspberry and leaned on the closest wall, without warning, it collapsed in on itself. When the dust cleared, Mettaton was in the same leaning position, undamaged, as were his actors, thanks to some MTT brand armor products. [color=ed1c24]"HELLO DARLING! YOU HAVE AN UPGRADE FOR ME?"[/color] Mettaton spoke in his same flamboyant way, looking at his nails (or lack thereof) as he spoke. [color=fff200]"Y-yes, I can... install it through... through..."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"MY PHONE?"[/color] Mettaton interjected impatiently. [color=fff200]"Y-yes, it's a new form, I call it, NEO... W-we think we've found Frisk, I'm sending the co-coordinates n-now."[/color] Mettaton was pleased, smiling internally as the phone extended a metal arm, opening his back panel and beginning the upgrade. [i]'Frisk's been found? I cannot wait! I doubt my fans will be able to as well!'[/i] [color=fff200]"D-done!"[/color] Mettaton admired the new form, all black, with wings! AND AN ARM CANNON? SO COOL! He danced around for a second before entering a pose, his left arm bent in towards himself, he had his body turned sideways, pointing his right arm (And the cannon) towards the closest camera. [color=fff200]"N-now, we have some new features, flight of course, a-and, you can r-record just by looking at something with your r-right eye."[/color] Mettaton's right eye was kept in shade by the hairdo, but upon activation of the camera, it began to glow a yellow tinge. [color=ed1c24]"ALPHYS, I VERY MUCH APPRECIATE THIS UPGRADE, AND NOW, I WILL USE IT... TO FABULOUS EFFECT!"[/color] Mettaton took a superman-like pose, and the space between his wings opened into a jetpack. He blasted off near instantly, leaving a cloud of grey smoke. [color=ed1c24]"NOW THEN, MY DARLINGS! ENJOY MY NEW SHOW! METTATON'S NEOVISION, STARRING ME! METTATON![/color] Mettaton flew in the direction of Mt. Ebott, laughing all the way. [hr] Meanwhile, King Asgore finished speaking to the other monster, but was interrupted at any chance he got to speak, finally his phone rang. [color=0054a6]"Scuse me, I have to take this."[/color] Closing off his body to the young monster, he put the phone to his ear, but not before having a paper stuck in his pocket. [color=0054a6]"What a handful."[/color] Asgore quietly said to himself, smirking. It was Alphys. And- [color=0054a6]"FRISK'S BEEN FOUND!? I'LL CALL YOU BACK!"[/color] Asgore yelled loudly, so loudly that the whole town probably heard it. He took off in the direction she described, along with a group of youths heading that same direction.