Suddenly, news would arrive from the east; the defenders have spotted a lone figure carrying a white flag! Fearing another raider trick, the remaining guards accosted the figure, a lone woman in doctor's clothing, before determining that she was no threat. Said woman then asked to see Danny, and with lingering suspicion, the guards allowed her through. Danny might recognize the woman as Lucrezia Vercitti, one of his fellow Doctors in Brooklyn. Before the thought of questioning her entered his head, the Lady Doctor would then say: "Danny, it's terrrible! The Enclave, they just swooped into the hospital and took over!" Breathing in and out, Lucrezia elaborated: "It was in the middle of the night, and most of us were asleep. Then we saw several guys in Power Armor come towards the building; your parents told me to flee to where you are right away, while they negotiated with those guys." "I escaped, but I heard from a couple of Raiders that the doctors in the Hospital have been enslaved, forced to tend to the other slaves the Enclave has been taking lately - they've stopped trying to kill everyone and want to enslave them instead!" she then began crying. "Danny...what are we going to do?" was the question. [@jordy0403], [@EvilEdd1984], [@Simple Unicycle]