He stuttered, making weird mutters as he moaned. [color=007236]"G-Grant....Grant Trinity...Ex-Western and Eastern Garrison Unit. Worked alongside many people in many great battles...Annella...Nira Kileko...Lance...Ryuu..."[/color] He paused, catching a deathly breath for life. He felt a hand wipe across his head gently, removing the disgusting scent of sweat and blood. [color=007236]"Yuri Tynko..."[/color] He began to mutter loudly. [color=007236]"The famous soldier...saves lives...fought in the Western Siege, side-by-bloody-side...grew up together...were friends together. He misses me, I know it...I miss him...But he hates my form, my lies and framing of Nira. All my acts that were a result of that one shift you made in the East. It...it killed my wife...my daughter...they took my son away.[/color] He looked upset, facing her as his longer hair covered his eyes in a light shade. [color=007236]"I tried to kill you...hunt you down for months. I had you...You...did the fire thing......I never wanted to be the evil beast. I wanted to use my power to plug the hole in Yupian...God...I...I tried to kill you...I killed at least Thirty of my own in panic....I'm...I'm a monster....please...don't take me to the city....there are Military AHSS Gunmen wanting m' head....p-please....don't...."[/color] He looked down again, grabbing a near empty bottle from his left, apologising for explaining. He had no idea sure knew Yuri...