"We're going to Seattle," said Mikhail to Jordan. "There, we're going to call as many Supers as we could to begin to discuss plans to catch or kill the murderer of the President, as well as said murderer's cronies. Not that we expect you to be on the front lines - if you don't want to fight, you can just be a scout, or suggest ideas. At the very least, though, I would like someone new in the house; the other kids there are people I like and are friends with, and I'd give my life for them, but, well, someone new couldn't hurt." The car then drew up to a nearby estate, with a private airstrip and a plane docked there. "And, of course," Mikhail continued, "I'd like to exchange backstories with you; you seem like you've been through a lot." He faced Jordan, finally allowing his mask to slip. "I don't want your life to be worse than it was already; I know what that was like." [@Trevor1001]