[center][h1][color=9e0b0f][b]E V E R E T T . W I L C O X[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [hr][b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Cabin Garage then Constance Billard [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] [Center]| Jennifer McGowin via text -[@HushedWhispers] ||[hr][/center] Everett was under the hood his truck. His 1978 Dodge Warlock. He loved his truck almost as much as his wolf dog, Leroy St. Germane Dagnasty. Who just happens to be laying down not far from Everett's feet. He was lost in what he was doing, time or the slight snoring of the dog, could break his concentration. On this morning, he was swapping out some parts to get a little better gas mileage. This wasn't going to make a huge change in the mileage but it should make a little easier to drive around town. Thankfully, he was almost done when when his phone went off and broke his concentration. He had to get this done or he was gonna have to ride his bike... Or worse he would have to been driven in the back of some stupid town car. Everett was going to ignore till Aunt Lou came in and started yelling at him. [b]"You best answer that boy. That girl is liable to whip your ass! And she can do it to!"[/b] Aunt Lou shouted while walking towards him with a steaming plate of food. [color=9e0b0f]I don't doubt it. If she can't she can get one of her little toys to. Just let me wash my hands first my hands first Aunt Lou.[/color] Everett said as he backed out of the hood. He wasn't happy about being pulled away from his but Aunt Lou was right. It wasn't until he started cleaning his hands that he noticed the food. [color=9e0b0f]"Aw, Aunt Lou, you aint gotta do all that. Ida made my own food when I got done with this."[/color] Evrette said as he looked at his phone. [center] [b]From:Tsarina Barbie To: Everette Wilcox[/b] Good Morning! R U coming 2 the assembly? [/center] [center] [b]From:Everette Wilcox To: Tsarina Barbie[/b] [color=9e0b0f]Morning sweetie. I'll be there. Can't wait to see you.[/color] [/center] [b]"You ever worry about that girl getting a hold of your phone and seeing that German shit?"[/b] His Aunt Lou demeaned. [color=9e0b0f]"It's Russian Aunt Lou. That'd be the least of my worries. She'd be more pissed about the Barbie than the Russian."[/color] Everette said as he saw the food. Biscuits and gravy with four huge pieces. It was Everette favorite breakfast. [color=9e0b0f]the "DAGS A POPIN!!"[/color] Everett shouted as he scrapped two pieces of ham off the plate. Dagnasty instantly woke and started wolfing the down the ham. Everett did much the same eating like his animal. He never even used a fork. His eating habits weren't that much different than his wolfdog Dagnasty, at least when he his home. [color=9e0b0f]"Back before the last World War, the Russians had Tsars and Tsarina. Basically Kings and Queens. You get a good look of what happens in that school of hers, you'd think she was a Tsarina. Girls in control of damn near everything. Kinda scary when you think about it." [/color] Everett said in between bites. Aunt Lou did nothing but laugh. In her mind, those two dating was as outlandish as Everette doing ballet. When he was done eat, Aunt Lou motioned for the plate. Everett wasn't one to enjoy being waited on hand and foot but he didn't have the time right now. Even if he had the time, he wasn't gonna win against Aunt Lou. [b]"Go on now child."[/b] She stated flatly. [b]"I know you got some foolishness planned for the day, with your little Barbie doll girl."[/b] Aunt Lou said as she took his plate and started to walk away. [color=9e0b0f]" Don't you ever get tired of being a pain in the ass yah ole bag? Dags, go on now buddy, get."[/color] Everett and went back to work. [b]"Boy I'll beat the brown off your ass if you sass me again. Oh dear lord let me leave here without beating this boys ass."[/b] Aunt said while walking away. Everett couldn't smile and chuckle. Not many people got to see that side of Aunt Lou but Everett loved that about her. He quickly turned and went back to work. The second he was finished. Everett got cleaned up and left to do what he needed to do before going to school. He was going to collect something for Jennifer. By chance he had found a jade hair thingy. The moment he saw it he knew Jen would love it. He had gotten major deal on it. Even if Jen wasn't in the picture he still would have bought it. It was too good a deal to pass up. None the less Everett collected the item and went on to school. He was almost excited to give this to Jen. It wasn't his kinda thing and he didn't know how Jen would react to it. Everett was almost worried that she would take as an insult. They were more than different enough that he had to worry about things like that. Everett thought its what made the relationship fun. Either way it was too late to do anything else but give it to her. As he left his truck he again had another text from Jen, or Tsarina as he called. It asking where he was, and where she was. Everett didn't bother replying to her, he would be there in a few minutes. A text was only gonna waste time. As he walked out in the rain he almost wished he had something more than his old dirty hat and a jacket. It was more of an athletic jacket than it was one for rain. Who was he kidding? He wouldn't trade anything for his hat. Everett made his way to where he thought Tsarina was. Everett made special care to try and avoid anyone that didn't like Tsarina too much. He was already a fish out of water here, last thing he needed was to stir up a hornets nest. He found a way to sneak up behind her and wrap his arms around her. With a kiss on the cheek he presented her with a box. [color=9e0b0f]"I got you something special."[/color] Everett said some softly. Now all he could do was wait on the response. He had high hopes for his gift. The color was good for her and she could easily work it into her wardrobe or so he prayed.