Lizzy turned back around to find that California was leaving without her and just shook her head. She jogged casually after the other woman, more so that she wouldn't be the last one to the briefing than to have someone to walk with. When she caught up to Cali, she fell into step beside her and brightly struck up a conversation. The maroon-and-gold freelancer's actions said she wasn't exactly interested in idle chatter, but Lizzy was nothing if not cheerfully persistent. She'd never had an assignment where she didn't make some kind of friend or ally before; Project Freelancer couldn't be any different. "I haven't spoken to most of the others, yet. This'll be a first. Have you managed to chat with anyone else, yet? Get a feel for what our peers are going to be like?" With the brisk pace California was keeping up, the two women caught sight of the sage-and-violet armored freelancer from the observation room soon enough. Lizzy lifted a hand to her helmet, as if that would somehow amplify her voice. Habits. "Hey! [i]Hey![/i] Green guy! Wait up!"