Ryder filed quickly into the room where the FRAMEs were held. She stopped only for a slight moment, as if admiring her machine. She hadn't been a FRAME pilot for long after all. The hulking metal war machine was still a bit awe-striking. Ryder approached her machine putting a hand on its metallic armor. [i]Theta[/i], she called it. Well... There was a small Theta symbol carved right into the FRAME's back, so if fit. It was subtle, and that suited her. Ryder picked up a nearby cloth, cleaning some dirt from the FRAME. Ryder's attention snapped to the music emerging from the opening cockpit. A veteran of the Panthers, it seemed, came into sight from within the FRAME. Her blank stare was short lived, for after he greeted the group, she simply turned back to Theta. As her gaze fell onto the FRAME, her mind started to wander. Their Commanding Officer seemed nice enough, though the Field Commander seemed a bit harsh. Nothing Ryder wasn't expecting to deal with. She wasn't one to get on people's bad sides anyways. Then her thoughts moved on to the mission. She was simply planning ahead and thinking over each of the pilots that spoke up during the briefing, trying to analyze their personalities to figure out how they would act in combat. It was almost a habit for her. Throughout all her time in thought, passing the Panther's little test didn't really cross her mind. Ryder had just planned to do what she normally did. That has gotten her this far. Ryder then activated her FRAME, opening the cockpit and peering inside to make sure everything was in order. With a quick sweep of the interior, she sat inside with the cockpit still open. She brought a hand to her hair brushing it to the best of her abilities with just her hand for now. From there, she simply waited, watching each of the other pilots, silently. It was almost as if she was silently sizing up her fellow recruits, but she really had no opinions on them. Ryder never really liked or disliked any of her co-workers before, unless they got cocky. Ryder had a very set in stone 'Prepare for the worst' mentality. Ryder then went through each of the recruits that spoke at the briefing, forming her opinions of each. First off, there was the man that asked about payment, Jason. Ryder figured it was typical mercenary behavior, but felt this could lead to him putting himself before others. There was also another who spoke up, asking about the details of the mission. She was comfortable with Cecilia, so she must have been a veteran. Ryder gave herself a silent nod. She figured she could trust this girl when things went bad. Finally, came the talkative one, Harold. He sure hadn't gotten off well with Cecilia, not to mention he had said he was better supporting then fighting. That was worrying, but Ryder pushed it out of her head. She'd have to watch him to make sure he wasn't directly attacked. That was everyone who spoke at the conference. The only other person Ryder had heard speak so far was the man that was in his FRAME during the meeting. He must also have been a veteran, but he fell asleep in his cockpit? Ryder, absent-mindedly started wondering if that had ever happened during combat, sending Bernard a perplexed look, but shortly looking away. She quickly went back to routine checking of all her FRAME's systems until moments before their mission was to begin. Ryder always made sure to be early, so she was in her FRAME and secure a few minutes beforehand.